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Weltweite Konferenzen zu Finanzen

Berlin 2018 Venture Capital World Summit

Kursanbieter:  Venture Capital World Summit Ltd
Start: 25.09.2018 15:30
Ende: 25.09.2018 22:00
Leonardo Royal Berlin Alexanderplatz, Otto-Braun-Straße 90,
Kurse: 399 € + VAT
Telefon: +44(0)2920227199
E-Mail: hello@venturecapitalworldsummit.com
Venture Capital World Summit is an international multi-event for businesses looking for investment and investors to connect, it is a global community for investors and investees. The 2018 World Series started in Paris 25 April 2018, followed by Brussels and New York, next upcoming is Berlin 25 Sept, London 3 October, Cardiff 26 October and Silicon Valley 29 November 2018. Designed for Scale-ups looking for Series A investments. #VCWS2018.
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