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Weltweite Konferenzen zu Finanzen

Oil & Gas International Licensing Summit

Kursanbieter:  IRN International
Start: 07.10.2015 10:00
Ende: 09.10.2015 20:00
United Kingdom
Kurse: Besuchen Sie die Website
Telefon: +44 (0) 20 7111 1615
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7183 7945
E-Mail: XeniaS@irn-international.com
Oil & Gas International Licensing Summit

Licensing rounds form the epicenter of the oil and gas industry, allowing companies and joint ventures to search for commercially feasible deposits for extraction. Countries that wish to attract investment to their oil and gas sector, can do so only through an efficient licensing system that attracts investors through efficient bidding systems, advantageous fiscal regimes, and strong cooperation terms. Recent oil price fluctuations and the consequent impact on the oil and gas industry now place even more pressure on Governments and Authorities globally to select and implement a strong and appealing licensing system that both meets the country’s requirements, and facilitates company needs through reliable and appealing contractual terms.
The second edition of this key industry Summit will better your understanding of latest licensing strategies from around the world, as well as fruitful trends and examples that showcase success from licensing rounds in several countries. 
The inaugural Oil & Gas International Licensing Summit was held at The Landmark Hotel, a beautiful 5* Hotel in the heart of London, and gathered international experts from across the globe. Representatives from more than 35 countries participated in the Summit and discussed features of licensing round procedures that were integral to establishing efficient systems and effective strategies.
This industry leading Summit will bring together Hydrocarbon Regulators, NOCs, IOCs, and several stakeholders to discuss latest worldwide updates and analysis of regulations, and developments on upcoming licensing rounds from major and emerging oil and gas countries.
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