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Weltweite Konferenzen zu Finanzen

Quant Canada 2014

Kursanbieter:  Terrapinn
Start: 13.11.2014 09:00
Ende: 13.11.2014 19:00
Sheraton Toronto Centre,
Toronto ON,
Kurse: Visit Site
Telefon: +1 (646) 619 1811
E-Mail: freya.smale@terrapinn.com

Quant World Canada 2014 is the leading event for traders and investors reviewing quantitative techniques and strategies. This is where Canada's leading pensions, quant funds, algorithmic traders, and exchanges are looking for new strategies and technologies. 

Detailed summary:

Quant World Canada 2014 is the leading event for traders and investors reviewing quantitative techniques and strategies. This is where Canada's leading pensions, quant funds, algorithmic traders, and exchanges are looking for new strategies and technologies. 

With more end investors in attendance than any other event of its kind, you will have ample opportunities to network, forge relationships and learn from Canada’s top quant investors and fund managers including OMERS, AIMCo, HOOPP, and CPPIB. Join them to discuss the quant industry's latest developments and get your organization noticed.

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