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Weltweite Konferenzen zu Finanzen

The Trading Show New York 2017

Kursanbieter:  Terrapinn
Start: 03.10.2017 02:00
Ende: Nov, 2017
Tribeca Three Sixty,
New York,
Kurse: US$ 1.090
Telefon: 212.379-6320
E-Mail: william.horgan@terrapinn.com
The Trading Show New York 2017

The conference features keynotes, panels, interactive roundtables, designed to tackle the most important challenges facing the trading industry and give you the information you need to stay on top. 


The perfect platform to generate new leads, create brand awareness and launch new products. No  other marketing gets you in a room with so many potential customers looking for suppliers.   


We offer a variety of networking opportunities from Speed Networking to 1-2-1 Partnering sessions to ensure that you meet as many other attendees as possible in 2 days.  

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