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Weltweite Konferenzen zu Finanzen

TradeTech FX

Kursanbieter:  WBR Ltd
Start: 25.09.2012 10:00
Ende: 27.09.2012 19:30
America Square Conference Centre,
United Kingdom
Kurse: 25-26 Sept.: £599; Nur 27 Sept.: £450
Telefon: +44 2073689464
E-Mail: tradetech@wbr.co.uk

TradeTech FX will specifically focus on electronic trading and the execution of FX spot, futures & options. The two first main conference days will include big picture plenary panels and keynote presentations The afternoons will be divided into 2 streams on trading platforms & trading technology and market structure & regulation.

The conference is expecting over 250 senior institutional FX trading professionals to attend including 100 senior buy side professionals including Heads of Trading, Heads of FX, Currency Managers, Portfolio Managers and Heads of Execution. The other delegates will be represented by global brokers and IDBs, specialist FX brokers, FX trading platforms, execution venues, connectivity, low latency, data management and CEP solution providers.
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