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Weltweite Konferenzen zu Finanzen

Trading Architecture Europe

Kursanbieter:  WBR Ltd
Start: 19.09.2012 09:30
Ende: 20.09.2012 16:00
Jumeriah Carlton Tower,
United Kingdom
Kurse: Näheres siehe Webseite
E-Mail: tradetech@wbr.co.uk
Now in its 5th year this trading architecture conference continues to attract over 40 CIO & CTOs as well as over 200 IT, Architecture and Data professionals across the buy side, sell side and trading venue communities. This event will provide you with ALL of the tools you need to ensure that you have the fastest, most efficient, most cost effective and competitive trading technology to meet the needs of your clients and maximise the revenue of each and every transaction.
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