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Weltweite Konferenzen zu Finanzen

World Commodities Week Europe 2012

Kursanbieter:  Terrapinn
Start: 24.10.2012 11:00
Ende: 25.10.2012 19:30
ETC St Paul's, 200 Aldersgate,
St. Paul's London,
United Kingdom
Kurse: Näheres auf der Webseite
Telefon: +44(0)20 7092 1000
E-Mail: alina.fisher@terrapinn.com

World Commodities Week Europe is now in its 8th year and brings institutional investors together with both passive and active commodity vehicles as well as industry-leading analysts to explore the outlook for this asset class, as well as redefine the role commodities should play in investor portfolios.

End investors come to World Commodities Week Europe to learn:

The outlook and forecast for commodity prices in 2013
What are the return and risk characteristics of commodities as an asset class
What role commodities should play in a balanced and diversified portfolio
The best opportunities in active commodity management
The pros and cons of different access methods and investment vehicles
What new regulations are coming into effect and how market participants will adapt
The latest trends in oil, softs and metals

Key speakers include:

Nouriel Roubini, Founder and Chairman, Roubini Global Economics
Dambisa Moyo, International economist and New York Times bestselling author
Marc Faber, Editor, Gloom, Doom and Boom Report
Bob Greer, Executive Vice President, PIMCO
Osvaldo Canavosio, Head of Commodities and Emerging Markets Research, MAN
Daniel Broby, CIO, Silkinvest
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