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Weltweite Konferenzen zu Finanzen


Kursanbieter:  WBR Ltd
Start: 26.03.2018 14:00
Ende: 27.03.2018 20:00
Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay, 2900 Bayport Dr,
Kurse: Visit Site
Telefon: +442073689576

InvestOps USA, the biggest gathering of buy side heads of investment operations in North America, is returning to Tampa FL once again this March 2018. The sell-out summit brings together investment operations decision makers from leading buy side institutions to revolutionize front to back, cross asset operations.

Accelerate your operations with help from 50+ thought and industry leading speakers. Come out ahead of the evolving regulatory landscape without disruption. Do more with less - reduce operational costs and gain a competitive edge through automation. Become a pioneer with a global operating model that leverages disruptive technology.

Join us on March 26-27 at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay for this unique opportunity to benchmark your people, processes and technology with 100+ senior buy side Heads of Investment Operations.

To see the full speaker line up, sessions and what else you can take away, download the brochure here: http://bit.ly/2DXO0J2

As a reader of Investing.com you can save on your ticket with an exclusive discount code. Quote: IOAI18 when booking online.
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