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Axa World Funds Ii - Evolving Trends Equities A Capitalisation Usd (0P00000T1H)

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10,649 +0,130    +1,26%
22/07 - Geschlossen. Währung in USD ( Haftungsausschluss )
Typ:  Fonds
Markt:  Luxemburg
Emittent:  AXA Funds Management S.A.
ISIN:  LU0184061520 
Anlageklasse:  Aktie
  • Morningstar Rating:
  • Aktiva (gesamt): 15,92M
AXA World Funds II Global Masters Equities Class A 10,649 +0,130 +1,26%

0P00000T1H Übersicht

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie ein ausführliches Axa World Funds Ii - Evolving Trends Equities A Capitalisation Usd Profil. Erfahren Sie mehr über das Management, das Gesamtvermögen, die Anlagestrategie und die 0P00000T1H Kontaktinformationen.

Aktien weltweit Standardwerte Growth

Aktiva (gesamt)







Der Fonds investiert ausschließlich in etablierte Unternehmen, die als Marktführer mit einem soliden und bewährten Management anerkannt sind („Blue-Chip“-Portfolio).


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Name Titel Seit Bis
David Shaw - 2023 Aktuell
Biografie Prior to joining AXA IM, David was a Senior Portfolio Manager at Aerion Fund Management, where he spent 13 years co-managing a $1.5bn North American equity portfolio. Preceding that he spent 10 years as a UK fund manager and analyst, at Aerion Fund Management, NPI Asset Management and Natwest Investment Management. David holds a Bachelor's degree in Electronic Engineering from City University, London. He is a member of CFA UK (ASIP) and has completed the London Business School Investment Management Programme.
Mark Hargraves Portfolio Manager 2018 Aktuell
Biografie Mark attended the University of Bristol gaining a Geography BSc (Hons). In 2000, he obtained a Masters in Finance from the London Business School. He is also a member of the UK Society of Investment Professionals. Mark spent two years working for Abbey National plc and then moved to Hambros Fund Management as assistant portfolio manager European Equities. In 1997, he joined United Friendly Asset Management as a fund manager for European Equities. Mark joined AXA Framlington as a fund manager in June 2000.
Amanda O'Toole - 1990 2022
Biografie Amanda is a Global Portfolio Manager at Framlington Equities. Amanda was previously a member of the Emerging Markets team with a focus on energy, utilities, consumer and healthcare. Prior to joining AXA IM, Amanda was an Investment Analyst at Nevsky Capital, covering Europe and then Emerging Markets across a range of sectors with emphasis on energy, utilities and consumer. Amanda began her career at PricewaterhouseCoopers, initially in Corporate Recovery and latterly in Corporate Finance. She holds a BA (Hons) in Economics from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne and is an Associate Chartered Accountant.
Cameron Gray Portfolio Manager 2014 2018
Biografie Cameron is the Head of Portfolio Management, Europe. He joined Rosenberg Equities in 2007 as a Portfolio Manager and focused on the Sustainable Equity as well as Dynamic Alpha. Prior to joining AXA IM, Cameron worked at JPMorgan Securities Limited in various roles covering the entire trade cycle from settlements and clearing to execution. Before that he worked at Commonwealth Bank of Australia Limited and Colonial State Bank Limited in various financial roles. Cameron has an MSc in Financial Mathematics from Kings College in London. He also holds a BSc in Advanced Math, Finance and Economics from the University of Sydney.
Gideon Smith Co-Chief Investment Officer 2014 2018
Biografie Gideon Smith, CFA® is Co-Chief Investment Officer of AXA IM’s Equity QI expertise. Mr. Smith is responsible for the implementation of all of Equity QI’s investment strategies as well as advanced research and innovation. He was Europe Chief Investment Officer of AXA Rosenberg and oversees the implementation of the SmartBeta Equity strategies. Since joining AXA Rosenberg in 1998, he has held a number of positions including Europe Deputy Chief Investment Officer, Director of Client Services and Head of Strategy Engineering for Europe. Prior to joining AXA Rosenberg, Gideon was a chartered accountant at Arthur Andersen working in their Financial Markets Division in London. Gideon obtained his BSc from Manchester University in 1992 and received his MBA from London Business School in 2000. He is a holder of the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Jane Wadia Portfolio Manager 2006 2014
Biografie – Ms. Wadia joined the London portfolio management team in 2003 2001 to 2003- Portfolio Manager (Global Balanced and Equities) at AXA IM, Paris 1998-2001 – Consultant Relations and RFP manager, AXA IM, Paris 1997 – Client Servicing/Operations Team member (6 month internship), JP Morgan Investment Management, Madrid 1995 – Trainee Analyst, Equity Research (6 month internship) Barings Securities, London CESEM, Ecole Superieure De Commerce Reims (equivalent to masters in business/commerce) (1996)
Will Jump Trader 1990 2006
Biografie Will has been with AXA Rosenberg since 1990 when he first joined the firm as a trader and portfolio engineer. During his tenure with AXA Rosenberg, Will has held a number of positions including director of market neutral strategies, director of global product strategy, chief technology officer, and Europe chief executive officer. Prior to his current role, he was a senior research director at AXA Rosenberg. Before coming to AXA Rosenberg, Will was a research coordinator at Hull Trading Co. in Chicago and an options market maker and software developer for HZN Options Partners in Chicago. Will obtained a BA from Swarthmore College in 1977, and an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1983. He is a holder of the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Steve Tyson CIO 2001 2001
Biografie Steve Tyson is Chief Investment Officer for MFC Global Investment Management (Europe) Ltd. Located in MFC Global's office in the U.K., Steve leads a team of investment professionals that focuses on European and Global equity fund management for both Manulife and third-party clients. Steve joined MFC Global in 2004 with over 25 years of investment management experience. He began his career in 1979 as an analyst and fund manager on global and US equities.

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