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Blackrock Sustainable Global Funds - Sustainable Global Dynamic Equity Fund A2 Usd (0P0000VHL4)

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31,360 +0,060    +0,19%
22/07 - Zeitverzögert. Währung in EUR ( Haftungsausschluss )
Typ:  Fonds
Markt:  Luxemburg
Emittent:  BlackRock (Luxembourg) SA
ISIN:  LU0238689623 
Anlageklasse:  Aktie
  • Morningstar Rating:
  • Aktiva (gesamt): 221,54M
BlackRock Global Funds - Global Dynamic Equity Fun 31,360 +0,060 +0,19%

0P0000VHL4 Übersicht

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie ein ausführliches Blackrock Sustainable Global Funds - Sustainable Global Dynamic Equity Fund A2 Usd Profil. Erfahren Sie mehr über das Management, das Gesamtvermögen, die Anlagestrategie und die 0P0000VHL4 Kontaktinformationen.

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Der Global Fonds zielt auf maximalen Gesamtertrag ab, indem er mindestens 70% seines Gesamtvermögens weltweit ohne festgelegte Länder- oder geografische Grenzen in Aktienwerte anlegt. Der Fonds ist grundsätzlich bestrebt, in Wertpapiere anzulegen, die der Meinung des Anlageberaters zufolge unterbewertet sind. Der Fonds kann auch in Aktienwerte kleiner und aufstrebender Wachstumsunternehmen anlegen. Das Währungsrisiko wird flexibel gemanagt.


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Name Titel Seit Bis
Russ Koesterich Managing Director 2017 Aktuell
Biografie "Russ Koesterich, CFA, JD, Managing Director and portfolio manager, is a member of the Global Allocation team as well as the lead portfolio manager on the GA Selects model portfolio strategies. Mr. Koesterich's service with the firm dates back to 2005, including his years with Barclays Global Investors (BGI), which merged with BlackRock in 2009. He joined the BlackRock Global Allocation team in 2016 as Head of Asset Allocation and was named a portfolio manager of the Fund in 2017. Previously, he was BlackRock's Global Chief Investment Strategist and Chairman of the Investment Committee for the Model Portfolio Solutions business, and formerly served as the Global Head of Investment Strategy for scientific active equities and as senior portfolio manager in the US Market Neutral Group. Prior to joining BGI, Mr. Koesterich was the Chief North American Strategist at State Street Bank and Trust. He began his investment career at Instinet Research Partners where he occupied several positions in research, including Director of Investment Strategy for both U.S. and European research, and Equity Analyst. He is a frequent contributor to financials news media and the author of three books, including his most recent ""Portfolio Construction for Today's Markets."" Mr. Koesterich earned a BA in history from Brandeis University, a JD from Boston College and an MBA from Columbia University. He is a CFA Charterholder."
David Clayton Managing Director 2017 Aktuell
Biografie "David Clayton, CFA, JD, Managing Director and portfolio manager, is a member of the Global Allocation team. Mr. Clayton joined the BlackRock Global Allocation team in 2010 and was named a portfolio manager of the Fund in 2017. Prior to his current role, he was head of portfolio oversight, as well as a senior investor and investment group leader, on the Fund, primarily responsible for coverage of the energy, real estate, autos, industrials, materials and utilities sectors. Prior to joining BlackRock, he was Of Counsel in the Financial Restructuring Group at Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP. Previously he was a Managing Director and analyst with The Blackstone Group, responsible for distressed and special situations investments across multiple industries. Prior to joining Blackstone, Mr. Clayton spent six years at Merrill Lynch Investment Managers (MLIM), initially as an attorney specializing in corporate finance transactions and restructurings, and most recently as a Vice President and analyst in the Global High Yield Bond & Bank Debt Group. Mr. Clayton began his career as an attorney specializing in corporate finance transactions, first at Blake, Cassels & Graydon in Toronto and then at Milbank in New York. Mr. Clayton earned a BA degree, with honors, in economics from the University of Western Ontario in 1990 and MBA and LLB degrees from Dalhousie University in 1994. He is a CFA Charterholder."
Dan Chamby Managing Director 2011 2020
Biografie Dan Chamby, CFA, Managing Director and portfolio manager, is a member of the Global Allocation team within BlackRock’s Multi-Asset Strategies Group. Mr. Chamby’s service with the firm dates back to 1993, including his years with Merrill Lynch Investment Managers (MLIM), which merged with BlackRock in 2006. Mr. Chamby joined Merrill Lynch Investment Managers in 1993 as a Research Analyst for the Merrill Lynch Global Allocation Fund. He was named Associate Portfolio Manager of the Fund in 2003 and named Portfolio Manager of the Fund in 2011. Prior to joining Merrill Lynch Investment Managers, he worked for Fujitsu Ltd. in their Tokyo headquarters as a Research Analyst. He began his investment career at Mellon Bank in 1982 as an Asia/Pacific Credit Analyst, and later managed the International Money Market Desk. Mr. Chamby received his BA degree in political science and French literature from Duquesne University in 1982, and an MBA degree from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania in 1988. Mr. Chamby speaks Japanese and French, and is a CFA® Charterholder.
Kent Hogshire - 2017 2019
Biografie Kent Hogshire, CFA, Managing Director and portfolio manager, is a member of the Global Allocation team within BlackRock’s Multi-Asset Strategies Group. Mr. Hogshire’s service with the firm dates back to 2000, including his years with Merrill Lynch Investment Managers (MLIM), which merged with BlackRock in 2006. He was named portfolio manager of the Fund in 2017.  Prior to his current role, he was a senior investor and investment group leader on the Fund, primarily responsible for global macro and thematic strategy and coverage of the industrials and transports sectors. Mr. Hogshire began his investment career in 2000 at MLIM, initially as a research associate on Merrill Lynch Global Allocation Fund. Mr. Hogshire earned a BA degree in international affairs from Princeton University in 2000. He is a CFA® Charterholder.
Dennis W. Stattman Managing Director 2006 2017
Biografie Dennis Stattman, CFA, Managing Director and portfolio manager, is head of the Global Allocation team within BlackRock’s Multi-Asset Strategies Group and a member of the Leadership Committee. He serves as a member of BlackRock’s Global Operating Committee. Mr. Stattman's service with the firm dates back to 1989, including his years with Merrill Lynch Investment Managers (MLIM), which merged with BlackRock in 2006. Mr. Stattman joined Merrill Lynch Investment Managers as a portfolio manager of the Merrill Lynch Global Allocation Fund at the Fund's inception in 1989. From 1989 through 1996, he was also a portfolio manager of the Merrill Lynch Special Value Fund. Prior to joining MLIM, Mr. Stattman served as the director of research for Meridian Management Company, and as pension investment officer for the World Bank, supervising the management of U.S. equities in the Bank's Retirement Plan. Mr. Stattman earned a BS degree in commerce from the University of Virginia in 1973 and an MBA degree, with honors, from the University of Chicago in 1980. He is a CFA® Charterholder.
Romualdo Roldan Manager 2011 2017
Biografie Romualdo Roldan, PhD, Managing Director and Portfolio Manager, is a member of BlackRock's Global Allocation team. Mr. Roldan's service with the firm dates back to 1998, including his years with Merrill Lynch Investment Managers (MLIM), which merged with BlackRock in 2006. At MLIM, he was a portfolio manager for various global portfolios, and was Head of Emerging Market Debt. Mr. Roldan joined the Global Allocation team in July of 2006. He has been a Managing Director of BlackRock, Inc. since 2008. Prior to joining MLIM in 1998, he was a senior vice president at Santander Investments, and earlier was a global economic analyst at JP Morgan Chase. Mr. Roldan began his investment career at Chase Econometrics, where he founded and managed the Emerging Markets Research Group. Mr. Roldan earned a BA degree in economics from the University of Chile in 1973, and a Ph.D in economics and econometrics from the University of Pennsylvania in 1978.

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