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Jpmorgan Funds - Global Unconstrained Equity Fund X (dist) - Aud (0P00011MGJ)

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JPMorgan Funds - Global Unconstrained Equity Fund historische Daten: Für Echtzeit-Kursdaten starten Sie bitte eine andere Suchanfrage
18,030 -0,050    -0,28%
20/08 - Zeitverzögert. Währung in AUD ( Haftungsausschluss )
Typ:  Fonds
Markt:  Luxemburg
Emittent:  JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.à r.l.
ISIN:  LU0960159175 
Anlageklasse:  Aktie
  • Morningstar Rating:
  • Aktiva (gesamt): 537,33M
JPMorgan Funds - Global Unconstrained Equity Fund 18,030 -0,050 -0,28%

0P00011MGJ Übersicht

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Aktien weltweit Standardwerte Growth

Aktiva (gesamt)







Erzielung langfristigen Kapitalwachstums durch die Anlage im wesentlichen in Aktien weltweit. Der Fonds kann in beschränktem Umfang in festverzinsliche Wertpapiere investieren.


Adresse European Bank & Business Centre 6, route de Trèves
Luxembourg, L-2633
Telefon +352 34 101


Name Titel Seit Bis
Caroline Keen Vice President 2020 Aktuell
Biografie Caroline Keen, vice president, is a portfolio manager in the International Equity Group, based in London. Caroline is responsible for global equity strategies including Global Unconstrained. Prior to joining JP Morgan, Caroline spent a decade at Newton Investment Management, where she was a port-folio manager on the Emerging Markets and Asia equity team with responsibility for Asia Pacific ex Japan Portfolios. She began her career at BlackRock. Caroline joined our team in 2019 and holds a B.A. degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from St. John's College, Oxford. She is a CFA charterholder.
Alex Stanic Portfolio Manager 2017 Aktuell
Biografie Alex Stanic, managing director, is a portfolio manager in the International Equity Group, based in London. Alex is responsible for global equity strategies including Global Unconstrained. Prior to join-ing JP Morgan, Alex was Head of Global equities at River & Mercantile Asset Management, having founded the division in 2009. Previously, Alex spent over a decade at Newton investment manage-ment, where he led the global team, and founded the Global Opportunities strategy. He began his career on the European equity team at Cazenove. Alex joined the team in 2015, and holds an MA in Economic & Social Geography from Edinburgh University.
Sam Witherow - 2015 2019
Biografie Sam Witherow, vice president, is a global sector specialist in the Global Equities Team. An employee since 2008, he is responsible for covering the global energy sector. Sam obtained a BSc (Hons) in Economics and Politics from the University of Bristol and is a CFA charterholder.
Timothy Woodhouse - 2014 2017
Biografie Tim Woodhouse, vice president, is a portfolio manager in the Global Equities Team. An employee since 2008, he was previously a research analyst in the European Equity Research Team, in London, working in the TMT sector. Tim obtained a BSc (Hons) in Economics from the University of York. Tim is a CFA charterholder.
Peter A. Kirkman Managing Director, global Portfolio Manager 2013 2016
Biografie Peter Kirkman, managing director, is a portfolio manager and Head of Global Thematic and Sector Funds in the Global Equities Team, based in New York. An employee since 2001, Peter was previously the chief investment officer and the senior portfolio manager of the Fleming Japan Team. Before joining the firm, he was the senior portfolio manager of Japan Equities at the Trust Company of the West (TCW) in London and a portfolio manager in Japan Equities at Prudential U.K. Peter holds a B.Sc. (Hons) in accountancy from the University of East Anglia and an M.Phil. in management studies from Cambridge University. He is also an associate of the U.K. Society of Investment Professionals
Howard Williams Managing Director 2013 2014
Biografie Howard Williams, managing director, is head of the Global Equities Team, based in London, responsible for all multi-market investment in J.P. Morgan Asset Management. An employee since 1994, he was previously employed at Shell Pensions in London as senior portfolio manager and head of UK equities. Prior to this, he spent three years managing global invested offshore pension funds in Bermuda for Shell Trust. Howard also spent five years at Kleinwort Benson Investment Management as a portfolio manager specializing in UK equities. His career started with three years at James Capel &Co.
Gary Clarke Managing Director 2010 2013
Biografie Gary is Managing Director of BlackRock, Inc. since 2014, Head of Global Thematic and Retail Investing at JP Morgan Asset Management from 2010 to 2014; Head of European Equities at Schroders from 2005 to 2010. Gary joined Gartmore in January 2003 from Rothschild Asset Management where he was Assistant Director, European Equities managing both high performance Retail and Institutional mandates. Prior to this Gary worked at HSBC as a senior fund manager, he began his career at Prudential Portfolio Managers on the European desk. Gary graduated from Warwick University with an MSc in Economics and also from Leeds University with a BA (Hons) in Economics and Geography and is a member of AIMR.
Edward Walker Managing Director 2003 2010
Biografie Edward Walker, managing director, has been an investment director for institutional accounts since 2011. He was previously a portfolio manager in the Global Equities Team, managing a range of retail and institutional mandates. Edward joined the Global Equities Team in 1997, initially holding a range of analyst responsibilities. Edward gained an MA in Economics from the University of Cambridge and is a CFA charterholder
Sandeep Bhargava Managing Director 2000 2009
Biografie Sandeep Bhargava, managing director, is portfolio manager responsible for style strategies including Global Dynamic Fund within the Global Equities Team in London. An employee since 1997, Sandeep previously was a product manager for Indian asset management in Asia. Prior to joining the firm, Sandeep managed Asian funds at Barclays Global Investors. Sandeep began his career as a Finance Lecturer at University of York, combined with consulting at World Bank in Washington and ICICI in India. Sandeep holds a BA Economics from Cambridge University and a DPhil Economics from Oxford University.
David Atkinson - 2000 2003
Biografie David Atkinson is a senior portfolio manager in the Global Portfolios Group, responsible for retail mandates based in London. An employee since 1995, David was previously based in Tokyo with responsibility for Kokusai mandates and before this in Hong Kong with responsibility for the portfolios of Hong Kong and Japanese institutional clients. Prior to this, David spent two years at Invesco Asset Management Limited where he was responsible for North American equities, which included segregated accounts and UK pension funds. Before Invesco, David spent six years with Henderson Administration where he managed the Henderson Global Technology Exempt Trust, he initially joined the company as an Investment Assistant to the International Director. David holds a BA in Business Studies from the University of North Staffordshire.

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