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Luxemburg - Fonds

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 NameSymbolAkt.+/- %Aktiva (gesamt)Zeit
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX) Cad AUD0P0001.39,830-0,40%26,65B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX) Cadh AUD0P0001.32,170-0,34%26,65B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX) Bh SGD0P0001.33,530-0,36%22,53B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX) Zh SGD0P0001.35,880-0,33%22,53B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund LUX Zd0P0001.23,060-0,60%16,25B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX) ZL0P0001.23,310-0,60%16,68B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX) P0P0001.24,400-0,65%16,68B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund LUX A40P0001.26,480-0,23%16,25B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund LUX Bgd0P0001.19,790-0,65%16,25B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX) C0P0001.27,940-0,25%16,68B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX) A70P0001.20,660-0,72%16,68B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund LUX Zd0P0001.24,890-0,24%16,25B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX) ZL0P0001.24,490-0,65%16,68B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX) P0P0001.20,340-0,68%16,68B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund LUX Bd0P0001.22,370-0,67%16,25B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX) C0P0001.24,640-0,52%16,68B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund LUX Bgd0P0001.21,360-0,28%16,25B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX) N0P0001.21,080-0,61%16,68B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX) ZLd0P0001.21,970-0,59%16,68B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund LUX Zgd0P0001.21,330-0,65%16,25B27/03 

Schweiz - Fonds

 NameSymbolAkt.+/- %Aktiva (gesamt)Zeit
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund LUX Zd0P0001.21,940-0,59%16,25B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund LUX B0P0001.21,290-0,56%16,25B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund LUX A40P0001.23,350-0,55%16,25B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund LUX Z0P0001.22,920-0,56%16,25B27/03 
 Capital Group Global Allocation Fund LUX Z0P0001.21,640-0,41%1,56B27/03 
 Capital Group Global Allocation Fund LUX C0P0001.23,560-0,42%1,56B27/03 
 Capital Group Global Allocation Fund LUX Zd0P0001.18,940+1,18%1,56B14/03 
 Capital Group Emerging Markets Total Opportunities0P0000.12,550-0,08%628,59M27/03 
 Capital Group Emerging Markets Total Opportunities0P0000.16,970-0,12%628,59M27/03 
 Capital Group Emerging Markets Total Opportunities0P0001.8,880-0,11%628,59M27/03 
 Capital Group Emerging Markets Total Opportunities0P0001.14,340-0,07%628,59M27/03 
 Capital Group Global Equity Fund LUX C0P0000.57,730-0,48%638,52M27/03 
 Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund LUX 0P0000.54,710+2,05%135,49M14/03 
 Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund LUX 0P0001.46,490-0,13%135,49M27/03 
 Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund LUX 0P0001.45,130-0,15%135,49M27/03 
 Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund LUX 0P0001.28,950-0,14%135,49M27/03 
 Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund LUX 0P0000.39,010-0,13%135,49M27/03 

Singapur - Fonds

 NameSymbolAkt.+/- %Aktiva (gesamt)Zeit
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund LUX Z0P0001.34,820-0,31%16,25B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund LUX Zd0P0001.33,340-0,33%16,25B27/03 
 Capital Group Investment Company of America (LUX) 0P0001.22,210-0,76%494,37M27/03 
 Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund LUX 0P0001.68,570+0,10%135,49M27/03 

Vereinigtes Königreich - Fonds

 NameSymbolAkt.+/- %Aktiva (gesamt)Zeit
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund LUX Bgd0P0001.16,500-0,72%16,25B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund LUX Bd0P0001.18,650-0,69%16,25B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund LUX Z0P0001.20,070-0,74%16,25B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund LUX Zd0P0001.19,220-0,72%16,25B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund LUX Zgd0P0001.17,780-0,73%16,25B27/03 
 Capital Group New Perspective Fund LUX B0P0001.18,650-0,69%16,25B27/03 
 Capital Group Global Allocation Fund LUX Z0P0001.18,950-0,58%1,56B27/03 
 Capital Group Global Allocation Fund LUX C0P0001.20,640-0,53%1,56B27/03 
 Capital Group Global Allocation Fund LUX Zd0P0001.16,590-0,60%1,56B27/03 
 Capital Group Emerging Markets Total Opportunities0P0001.7,260-0,27%628,59M27/03 
 Capital Group Emerging Markets Total Opportunities0P0001.7,780-0,26%628,59M27/03 
 Capital Group Emerging Markets Total Opportunities0P0000.10,990-0,27%628,59M27/03 
 Capital Group Emerging Markets Total Opportunities0P0000.7,710+0,52%628,59M14/03 
 Capital Group Emerging Markets Total Opportunities0P0000.14,860-0,27%628,59M27/03 
 Capital Group Emerging Markets Total Opportunities0P0001.12,560-0,24%628,59M27/03 
 Capital Group Global Equity Fund LUX C0P0000.50,560-0,63%638,52M27/03 
 Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund LUX 0P0001.40,720-0,27%135,49M27/03 
 Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund LUX 0P0000.47,310-0,27%135,49M27/03 
 Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund LUX 0P0000.24,900-0,28%135,49M27/03 
 Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund LUX 0P0001.39,530-0,28%135,49M27/03 
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