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Beutel Goodman Balanced Class F (0P0000Q5PI)

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12,475 -0,004    -0,03%
04/07 - Geschlossen. Währung in CAD ( Haftungsausschluss )
Typ:  Fonds
Markt:  Kanada
Emittent:  Beutel, Goodman & Company Ltd.
Anlageklasse:  Aktie
  • Morningstar Rating:
  • Aktiva (gesamt): 84,43M
Beutel Goodman Balanced Class F 12,475 -0,004 -0,03%

0P0000Q5PI Übersicht

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Canadian Equity Balanced

Aktiva (gesamt)






Adresse Suite 2000,
Toronto,ON M4R 1K8
Telefon 416 485 1010
Fax 416 485 1799


Name Titel Seit Bis
Sara Shahram Portfolio Manager 2023 Aktuell
Biografie Sara joined Beutel Goodman in 2023 and has more than 20 years of investment industry experience. As Vice President, Canadian Equities, she has analytical and portfolio management responsibilities as part of the Canadian Equity team. Most recently, Sara was a portfolio manager at Empire Life Investments, with a primary focus on Canadian equities. She is a CFA charterholder and holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree and an MBA from the University of Toronto.
Meaghen Annett Vice President 2022 Aktuell
Biografie Meaghen joined Beutel Goodman in 2022 and has more than 12 years of experience as an equity research analyst. As part of the U.S and International Equities team, she provides generalist coverage across sectors and regions. Prior to joining Beutel Goodman, she worked as an equity research analyst for more than a decade at TD Securities, with a focus on the Consumer Discretionary sector. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Concordia University in Montreal and is a CFA charterholder.
Dora Ho Vice President, Canadian Equities 2022 Aktuell
Biografie Dora joined Beutel Goodman in 2022. She is a CFA Charterholder and holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Calgary. Dora brings to Beutel Goodman over 15 years of financial industry experience, primarily as an Equity Analyst with a focus on the Canadian market, and most recently, as Vice President, Corporate Finance at CI Financial.
Ryan Laird Credit Analyst 2021 Aktuell
Biografie Ryan Laird, MBA, CFA, Credit Analyst, Fixed Income Ryan joined Beutel Goodman in 2021 and has more than a decade of experience in credit research. He is responsible for analyzing potential investments in the Telecommunications, Media and Technology industries. Prior to joining Beutel Goodman, Ryan worked as a credit analyst at Equitable Life of Canada and CIBC. Ryan is a CFA Charterholder and earned a Master of Business Administration from Wilfred Laurier University.
Ryan Fitzgerald Vice President, U.S. & International Equities 2020 Aktuell
Biografie Ryan joined Beutel Goodman in 2020 and comes to the firm with over 25 years of financial industry experience. Prior to joining Beutel Goodman, Ryan worked for CI Investments in progressively senior roles, including 12 years as a senior member of CI’s Signature Advisors Equity team, and overseeing equity investing as Co-Manager of the Signature High Income Fund, CI’s largest fund. Ryan is a graduate of Saint Mary’s University and is a CFA charterholder.
Vim Thasan Vice President, Canadian Equities 2020 Aktuell
Biografie Vim Thasan joined Dynamic in 2004 and has held a variety of roles with escalating levels of responsibility. In 2008, Vim became an Analyst concentrating on global equities before joining the Equity Income team in late 2012 to focus on the industrials and technology sectors. He was promoted to the role of Associate Portfolio Manager in 2014 and Portfolio Manager in 2016. Vim holds an MBA from the Schulich School of Business at York University and was awarded the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Neil McCabe Vice President, Fixed Income 2019 Aktuell
Biografie Neil McCabe, MBA, CFA, Vice President, Fixed Income Neil joined Beutel Goodman in 2019 in 2019 as a credit analyst to lead the firm’s high yield initiative. Prior to joining the firm he gained extensive investment experience, most recently as a portfolio manager for Fiera Capital. Neil is a graduate of McMaster University and IESE Business School and is a CFA charterholder.
Christopher Mudie Assistant Vice President, Fixed Income 2019 Aktuell
Biografie Chris Mudie, MFin., CFA, Assistant Vice President, Fixed Income Chris joined Beutel Goodman in 2019 and has over six years of investment experience. Prior to joining the firm, Chris worked in progressively senior roles at Canso Investment Counsel. Chris is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University and Saint Mary’s University, and is a CFA charterholder.
Stanley Wu Vice President, U.S. & International Equities 2016 Aktuell
Biografie Stanley Wu, CFA, joined JFL in 2005 as a global research analyst. Prior to joining the firm, Stanley spent four years in equity research with Letko Brosseau and Associates, where he covered health care, specialty chemical, and, IT services, on a global basis. Prior to that, he worked in business development areas for the medical devices division in an affiliate of Siemens in China. He also had business experience with a major media and communication holding company based in Bangkok, Thailand. Stanley holds B.S. and M.S. degrees from Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, China) and Chinese Academy of
Derek Brown Senior Vice President, Co-Head of Fixed Income 2016 Aktuell
Biografie Derek joined Beutel Goodman in 2016 and has over 15 years of investment experience. He is a portfolio manager and co-lead of the fixed income team. His strategic responsibilities include portfolio duration, positioning and risk exposure management. Prior to joining Beutel Goodman, Derek worked at Fiera Capital where he was a fixed income portfolio manager. Derek is a graduate of Concordia University, McGill University and a CFA charterholder.

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