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Bmo Emerging Markets A (0P000070ZB)

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14,338 -0,040    -0,25%
28/06 - Geschlossen. Währung in CAD ( Haftungsausschluss )
Typ:  Fonds
Markt:  Kanada
Emittent:  BMO Investments Inc.
Anlageklasse:  Aktie
  • Morningstar Rating:
  • Aktiva (gesamt): 206,14M
BMO Emerging Markets A 14,338 -0,040 -0,25%

0P000070ZB Übersicht

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Emerging Markets Equity

Aktiva (gesamt)






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Name Titel Seit Bis
Rishikesh Patel Portfolio Manager 2016 Aktuell
Biografie Rishi holds a post-grad degree in Finance & Mgmt from Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai. Before joining LGM in 2006, he worked with ICICI Securities and General Electric. During Rishi's 2 years at ICICI he was an analyst researching IT, Real Estate and Cement sectors. Rishi was at GE for almost 3 years and worked across 5 GE businesses. At LGM he has researched Indian stocks and advised on our Indian mandates. Rishi relocated to London in October 2014 and became Co-PM, then Lead PM for Global Emerging Markets mandates in March and July 2016, respectively.
Irina Hunter Portfolio Manager 2012 Aktuell
Biografie Irina began her career in financial services in 1992, from 1994 -1998 worked as VP for The U.S.-Russia Investment Fund, a private equity investment fund in Moscow. After a period working in M&A in Canada and Russia she joined AGF Funds Inc. in 2002, based in Toronto where she was a Global Equity Analyst, and later Associate Portfolio Manager. She supported the award winning AGF Emerging Markets Fund and AGF Global Equity Class. Irina has an MBA from the University of Rochester as well as a Bachelor Degree in Finance and Banking from the Moscow Finance Academy. Irina joined LGM in 2007.
Rasmus Nemmoe Portfolio Manager 2012 2016
Biografie Rasmus Nemmoe is a Portfolio Manager at FSSA Investment Managers, part of First Sentier Investors. Rasmus joined FSSA Investment Managers in 2016 and manages the team's Global Emerging Markets equity strategies. He is the lead manager of the FSSA Global Emerging Markets Focus strategy. Rasmus has more than 15 years of investment experience. He holds a MSc in Applied Economics and Finance and a BSc in Computer Science/Business Administration from the Copenhagen Business School. He is also a CFA charterholder
Robert Lloyd George Founder 2012 2012
Biografie Robert Lloyd George was educated at Oxford University and began his investment career in London in 1974. After working in the Paris Stock Exchange and in banking in Brazil, he joined the Fiduciary Trust Company of New York to work on international investments for the UN Pension Fund. Mr Lloyd George was Managing Director of Indosuez Asia Investment Services in Hong Kong from 1984, before founding Lloyd George Management in 1991. He has published three books including 'The East West Pendulum'.
Jai Jacob Managing Director 2009 2012
Biografie Jai Jacob is a Managing Director and Portfolio Manager/Analyst, leading the Lazard Multi-Asset investment team. Prior to joining the Multi-Asset investment team, Jai worked in Global Risk Management, Fixed Income, Quantitative Technology and Settlements. He led the development of Lazard's proprietary Risk Analysis system, and has built quantitative analytical tools for over 40 Lazard investment strategies. Jai began working in the investment field in 1998 upon joining Lazard. He has a BA from Cornell University.
Stephen Marra Portfolio Manager 2009 2012
Biografie Stephen Marra is a Director and Portfolio Manager/Analyst on the Lazard Multi-Asset investment team, specializing in strategy research. Prior to joining the Multi-Asset investment team, Stephen worked in Settlements, Fixed Income Risk and Quantitative Technology where he helped design and develop Lazard's proprietary trading and risk management systems. He began working in the investment field in 1999 upon joining Lazard. Steve has a BS in Biology from Cornell University.
Michael Per Vice President 2009 2012
Biografie Michael Per is a Director and Data Scientist on the Lazard Multi-Asset investment team, focusing on quantitative analysis and systems development. Since joining Lazard, Michael worked in the Equity Trading Technology and the Quantitative Technology groups in the role of principal software engineer and architect. He began working in the investment field in 1997 upon joining Lazard. Michael has a BS in Computer Science from St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University in Russia.
Edward D. Baker CEO 2004 2009
Biografie Edward D. Baker is Chief Executive Officer of Alliance Capital Ltd. And Chief Investment Officer of Emerging Markets Equities. He is a member of Alliance Capital's international portfolio management team and co-ordinates the investment activities of Alliance's non-U.S. specialty portfolio teams and joint ventures. Mr. Baker joined Alliance in 1995 and has earned a B.A. from the University of South Florida and an M.A. from the from the University of California. Mr. Baker has 28 years on investment experience.
Clive Lloyd Senior Advisor to the Emerging Markets Team 1994 2009
Biografie Clive Lloyd is Investment Manager and EMEA Stock Selection Specialist for GuardCap Asset Management Limited. Clive has tenure with Guardian Capital since 2003, coinciding with the launch of the Aurora strategy, which he co-founded with Steve Bates. Subsequently, in 2014, Guardian acquired Zephyr Management, the manager of the strategy, and formed GuardCap. Previously he was a senior portfolio manager at JP Morgan Fleming Asset Management, responsible for global emerging market portfolios.
Austin Forey Portfolio Manager 1994 2009
Biografie Austin Forey, Portfolio Manager and Managing Director, has been at JPMorgan (or one of its predecessors) since 1988 and is responsible for global emerging markets portfolios, a role he has fulfilled since 1994. Prior to this he worked in the U.K. team, where he was deputy head of U.K. research. Before this, Austin worked as a research analyst covering engineering, and subsequently all financial sectors. Austin obtained a B.A. in Modern Languages from Cambridge University, and earned a Ph.D. in Modern Languages from Cambridge University.

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