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Eq/mfs International Growth Portfolio Class Ib (0P00003C9S)

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8,440 -0,010    -0,06%
04/10 - Geschlossen. Währung in USD ( Haftungsausschluss )
Typ:  Fonds
Markt:  USA
Emittent:  AXA Equitable
Anlageklasse:  Aktie
  • Morningstar Rating:
  • Aktiva (gesamt): 770,38M
EQ/MFS International Growth Portfolio Class IB 8,440 -0,010 -0,06%

0P00003C9S Übersicht

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Foreign Large Growth

Aktiva (gesamt)







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Name Titel Seit Bis
Gregory Johnsen Director, Instituional Portfolio Manager 2023 Aktuell
Biografie Gregory Johnsen, CFA - Investment Officer - Institutional Portfolio Manager - As an Institutional Equity Portfolio Manager, participates in the research process and strategy discussions. Assesses portfolio risk, customizes portfolios to client objectives and guidelines, and manages daily cash flows. Communicates investment policy, strategy, and positioning. - Joined MFS in 2019 - Previous experience includes 7 years as Director, Institutional Portfolio Manager at Parametric Portfolio Associates, LLC; 11 years as Vice President, Associate Partner, Investment Director at Wellington Management Co., LLP; 3 years as Vice President, Portfolio Advisor at American Century Investment Management, Inc.; 2 years as Founding Member at DiMeo Schneider & Associates, L.L.C.; 1 year as Assistant Vice President at Kidder, Peabody & Co., Incorporated; 3 years as Investment Executive Associate at Kidder, Peabody & Co., Incorporated; 2 years as Senior Investigator at Chicago Board Options Exchange. - Affiliations include CFA Society Boston - Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, Master of Business Administration - University of Minnesota, Bachelor of Science in Economics
Matthew Barrett Investment Officer, Portfolio Manager 2015 Aktuell
Biografie Matthew Barrett, ASIP, is an Investment Officer and Equity Portfolio Manager at MFS Investment Management® (MFS®), managing the firm's European Equity Ex-U.K. strategy. He is also an Equity Analyst and leads the firm's European research coverage of consumer staples stocks. Matthew joined MFS in 2000 and became a research analyst in 2001. He was named portfolio manager in 2010. Prior to joining MFS, he was an associate director specializing in Asian equities for Newport Capital Ltd. He earned a Bachelor's Degree from University College in London and holds a MBA from London Business School.
Kevin M. Dwan Portfolio Manager 2012 Aktuell
Biografie Kevin M. Dwan − Investment Officer − Director of Asian Equity Research − Global Equity Research Analyst − Joined MFS in 2005; named Director of Asian Equity Research in 2007 − Previous experience includes: nine years for Putnam Investments in various roles in Boston, London, and Tokyo including Equity Analyst and a Sector Sleeve Portfolio Manager for International Core Equity − Affiliation(s): President of Sabrina's Foundation − Harvard University, MBA − Harvard College, AB
Kenneth T. Kozlowski Executive Vice President 2011 Aktuell
Biografie Kenneth T. Kozlowski, CFP, CLU, ChFC, is the lead portfolio manager and Chief Investment Officer for EIMG LLC. Mr. Kozlowski is a Managing Director of Equitable Life Insurance Company (“Equitable”) and has served as Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer of EIMG LLC since June 2012. He has had primary responsibility for the asset allocation, fund selection and rebalancing of Equitable’s funds-of-funds since 2003.
Alwi Chan Portfolio Manager 2009 Aktuell
Biografie Alwi Chan, CFA is a Vice President of the Trusts and member of each Trust’s Valuation Committee. He has served as a Lead Director of AXA Equitable and Senior Vice President and Deputy Chief Investment Officer of FMG LLC since June 2012. Mr. Chan assists in portfolio analysis, rebalancing and fund selection. Mr. Chan earned a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Trisakti University (Indonesia) and an MBA from Tulane University. Mr. Chan holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.
Brett A. Fleishman Institutional Portfolio Manager 2019 2023
Biografie Brett A. Fleishman - Investment Officer - Institutional Equity Portfolio Manager - As an Institutional Portfolio Manager, participates in the research process and strategy discussions. Assesses portfolio risk, customizes portfolios to client objectives and guidelines, and manages daily cash flows. Communicates investment policy, strategy, and positioning. - Joined MFS in 2001; previous positions include Investment Specialist; Senior Associate Investment Specialist; Equity Research Analyst. - Previous experience includes 2 years as Senior Consultant at Ernst &
David A. Antonelli Vice Chairman 2010 2021
Biografie Mr. Antonelli is senior vice president and director of international equity reserach of MFS Investment Management. He joined the firm in 1991 as a research analyst following foreign stocks, with a concentration in continental Europe. He was named assistant vice president in 1994, vice president in 1995, portfolio manager in 1997, and director of international equity research and senior vice president in 1999.
Xavier Poutas Portfolio Manager 2011 2014
Biografie Xavier Poutas, CFA has been a Lead Director of Equitable since October 2018 and a co-portfolio manager of EIM LLC since May 2011. Mr. Poutas assists in portfolio analysis, rebalancing and portfolio performance evaluation with respect to the Fund-of-Funds Portfolios and ETF Sleeves. Mr. Poutas received his MS in Accounting and Finance from the University of Nantes (France) in 2000 and his B.B.A. in Accounting and Finance in 1999 from Ecole Superieure des Sciences Commerciales d'Angers (France). Mr. Poutas holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.
Barry Dargan CEO & Lead Portfolio Manager 2006 2010
Biografie Barry is a Chartered Accountant, has a BSc degree in economics from City University, London and studied Japanese at Keio University, Tokyo. Barry was previously Partner, Managing Director and Portfolio Manager at Artisan Partners where he set up, lead-managed and was sole decision maker for the Artisan Global Equity strategy and opened the London office (2010-2013). Artisan’s Global Equity fund had top decile performance under his tenure, with buy ratings from leading global consultants. Before that Barry was a Managing Director and Portfolio Manager at MFS (1996-2010) where he was portfolio manager of the MFS International Growth Fund (2001-2010) and co-manager of the MFS Global Growth Fund (2003-2010). During his tenure these funds had consistent top quartile performance and had buy ratings with major consultants. Barry worked in Boston, Tokyo (where he opened the MFS office) and London during his time at the firm. Previous history was as an Executive Director and head of global technology research at SG Warburg in Tokyo (1992-1996), head of research and technology analyst covering Japanese technology at James Capel, Tokyo (1988-1992) where he led the Extel number-one rated technology research team two years running, investment analyst covering European technology at Phillips & Drew, London (1984-1988) and he started his career at Arthur Andersen as a Chartered Accountant in London (1981-1984).
Timothy Corbett Principal/Portfolio Manager 2005 2005
Biografie Corbett is a Principal at SSgA FM and State Street Global Advisors and a Portfolio Manager for the International Growth Opportunities Strategy within the Global Fundamental Strategies Group. Mr. Corbett is responsible for managing European, Asian, and Far East equities. He joined GFS in August of 2000 and has had portfolio management responsibilities since that time.

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