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Bny Mellon Core Plus Fund Class Y (0P00009G1O)

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9,200 -0,010    -0,11%
22/07 - Zeitverzögert. Währung in USD ( Haftungsausschluss )
Typ:  Fonds
Markt:  USA
Emittent:  Dreyfus
Anlageklasse:  Anleihe
  • Morningstar Rating:
  • Aktiva (gesamt): 16,55M
Insight Investment Grade Bond Fund Institutional C 9,200 -0,010 -0,11%

0P00009G1O Übersicht

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Intermediate Core-Plus Bond

Aktiva (gesamt)







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Name Titel Seit Bis
Brendan Murphy Senior Portfolio Manager 2024 Aktuell
Biografie Mr. Murphy, CFA, is Head of Global Fixed Income, North America, at INA. He has been employed by INA or a predecessor company of INA since 2005. He was managing director of global and multi-sector strategies. Previously, he served as director and senior portfolio manager of global strategies responsible for managing non-U.S., global and opportunistic bond portfolios. Before being promoted to portfolio manager in 2009, he was a senior trader responsible for trading developed and emerging market non-USD securities as well as all foreign currencies. Mr. Murphy joined Mellon in 2005 from State Street Research, where he was a senior trader responsible for investment grade corporate bonds. He holds a B.A. from Trinity College.
Scott Zaleski Senior Portfolio Manager 2023 Aktuell
Biografie Scott Zaleski, CFA. Mr. Zaleski is a senior portfolio manager at INA. He has been employed by INA or a predecessor company of INA since June 2014.
James DiChiaro Senior Portfolio Manager 2019 Aktuell
Biografie Mr. DiChiaro joined INSIGHT NORTH AMERICA LLC (“INSIGHT”) 's Fixed Income Group in 1999 (via predecessor company, Cutwater Asset Management) and has worked in the financial services industry since 1998. As a senior portfolio manager, Mr. DiChiaro’s responsibilities include managing the firm’s core, core plus, select income, and high yield strategies. Mr. DiChiaro also has an extensive history in managing long duration taxable and tax-exempt strategies as well as money market portfolios. Mr. DiChiaro holds a BS degree from Fordham University and an MBA from Pace University.
Gautam Khanna Head 2010 2024
Biografie Mr. Khanna is Head of U.S. Multi-Sector Fixed Income and a senior portfolio manager at INA. Gautam joined Insight's Fixed Income Group as a senior portfolio manager in 2003. Gautam leads the management of Insight's flagship US core, core plus and high yield strategies. Prior to Cutwater, Gautam was a member of the high yield team at Times Square Capital Management, where he focused on credit management for CBOs as well as high yield total return accounts. Gautam is a member of the New York Society of Security Analysts. He holds a BS (Hons) from the Rochester Institute of Technology and an MBA degree (with distinction) from Cornell University. He is also a CFA charterholder and is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).
Gerard Berrigan Managing Director 2010 2020
Biografie Gerard joined Insight in 1994. He is Head of Insurance and Intermediate within the Fixed Income Group. He has worked in the financial services industry since 1984 with specific experience in securities and trading. Gerard’s responsibilities include overseeing all aspects of portfolio management for insurance and Public Sector Group clients in North America. Previously, he worked at the Federal National Mortgage Association as a member of the Portfolio Management and Treasury Groups where he developed and applied expertise in ABS, MBS and portfolio hedging. Gerard also worked at First Boston Corp. developing and implementing investment strategies for the firm's public finance clients. He has a BS degree from Bucknell University and an MBA from Columbia University. Gerard holds Series 7 and 63 licenses from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).
Jason Celente Director 2010 2020
Biografie Jason joined Insight in 1997. He is a senior portfolio manager, having joined the investment team in 1999. Jason’s responsibilities include participating in weekly portfolio strategy meetings and then implementing the investment strategy by determining credit selection and sector allocation. Prior to this, Jason was an investment accountant for Cutwater’s asset-liability portfolios and short-term mutual funds. He has a BS degree from Colgate University and an MBA from the Stern School of Business at New York University. Jason holds Series 7 and 63 licenses from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and is a CFA charterholder.
Cliff Corso President & CIO 2010 2016
Biografie Cliff serves as the President and Chief Investment Officer of AAM. He joined the firm in 2021, bringing a 35 year reputation for strategic leadership and his deep understanding of the financial markets. He is responsible for overseeing asset allocation and investment management across the firm’s $40 billion* in assets and the day-to-day management of AAM. Prior to AAM, Cliff was founder, CEO and Chief Investment Officer of Cutwater Asset Management, a fixed income specialist boutique which grew to over $50 billion in assets under management under his tenure. Over his 20 years leading Cutwater, Cliff created several unique investment products and solutions across a spectrum which included investments in corporate, real estate, asset backed, and structured credit across both public and private markets. Cutwater developed a reputation as a leader in alternative lending and structured credit strategies focused on income, diversification and alpha generation. In January 2015, Cliff led the strategic acquisition by BNY Mellon (BNYM) of Cutwater which merged with BNYM’s largest affiliate Insight Investment, a global fixed income leader with over $1 trillion in aum. While at Insight Investment, Cliff held positions as CEO of Insight, North America as well as Executive Chairman and was a member and Chair of various Investment Committees including the Corporate Loan, Real Estate, and Illiquid Credit Committees. Prior to Cutwater, Cliff served as a senior multi-sector fixed income portfolio manager at Alliance Capital Management. Throughout his career, he has also served as a credit analyst, lender, restructuring specialist and trader. He is sought after for his views on markets regularly by Bloomberg, Barron’s, CNBC and Fox Business News. Mr. Corso graduated from Yale University with a degree in economics and earned an MBA from Columbia University. He currently holds Series 3, 7, 24, and 63 licenses from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).
Jeffrey S. MacDonald Vice President, Portfolio Manager 2010 2012
Biografie MacDonald is vice president of Hartford Investment Management. He joined Hartford Investment Management in 2005 and serves as a portfolio manager in the multi-sector portfolio management team. Prior to joining the firm, MacDonald was a portfolio analyst at Wellington Management Company, LLC (2000-2005). He began his career with Fidelity Investments as a fixed income trader and lead systems analyst (1992-2000). MacDonald holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.

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