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Virtus Seix Core Bond Fund Class I (STIGX)

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9,26 -0,05    -0,54%
28/06 - Zeitverzögert. Währung in USD ( Haftungsausschluss )
Typ:  Fonds
Markt:  USA
Emittent:  Virtus
Anlageklasse:  Anleihe
  • Morningstar Rating:
  • Aktiva (gesamt): 38,17M
RidgeWorth Seix Core Bond Instl 9,26 -0,05 -0,54%

STIGX Übersicht

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie ein ausführliches Virtus Seix Core Bond Fund Class I Profil. Erfahren Sie mehr über das Management, das Gesamtvermögen, die Anlagestrategie und die STIGX Kontaktinformationen.

Intermediate-Term Bond

Aktiva (gesamt)







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Name Titel Seit Bis
Carlos Catoya Commercial Banker 2015 Aktuell
Biografie Carlos is a portfolio manager focused on credit and head of investment grade credit research. He is a member of the Seix Investment Policy Group. Before joining the firm, Carlos was a vice president of the global banking energy group at Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), and responsible for rating agency relationships. Previously, Carlos was director and group leader of Standard & Poor’s oil and gas corporate ratings team. Carlos was responsible for the ratings of independent oil and gas producers, refiner & marketers, and oilfield service companies. In addition he led the corporate rating’s input into rating decisions for certain sovereign and selected project finance ratings. Prior to joining the rating agency, Carlos was a commercial banker having served in different analytical and lending relationship manager capacities as an officer at Credit Suisse US and First Fidelity (now Wells Fargo). Carlos received a B.S. degree (Magna Cum Laude) from Rutgers University, and received an M.B.A. degree in Finance (with concentration in International Business) & Accounting (with concentration in Financial Statement Analysis) from New York University.
Jonathan Yozzo Associate 2015 Aktuell
Biografie Jon is a portfolio manager focused on credit and head of investment grade credit corporate bond trading. He is a member of the Seix Investment Policy Group. Before joining the firm, he was a natural gas commodities broker at PVM Oil Associates responsible for brokerage of domestic natural gas products & foreign & domestic crude oil. Prior to that, Jon was a member of capital markets group & energy derivatives group at Prebon Yamane (U.S.A.) Inc. responsible for brokerage of short term eurodollars & forward rate agreements and sales associate at JPMorgan Securities, Inc. working primarily on the investment grade corporate sales desk. Jon received a B.S. degree in History from Syracuse University.
Michael Rieger Managing Director 2007 Aktuell
Biografie Michael is a seasoned senior portfolio manager focused on the securitized sector. He is a member of the Seix Investment Policy Group. Before joining Seix, Michael was a portfolio manager at AIG Global Investment, where he managed an ABS portfolio covering the full rating spectrum in addition to non-agency senior residential MBS, adjustable rate senior mortgage portfolio and international AAA residential MBS portfolios. Michael began his investment management career at Aetna Life and Casualty's Portfolio Hedging Group as an analyst. Michael received an A.B. degree (Cum Laude) in Mathematics from Dartmouth College.
Perry Troisi Managing Director, Head of Investment Grade, and Senior Portfolio Manager 2004 Aktuell
Biografie Perry is a managing director and head of investment grade, where he focuses on corporate, government-related and securitized (residential mortgage-backed, commercial mortgage-backed, and asset-backed securities) asset classes. Perry is responsible for strategic oversight of the firm’s investment grade bond portfolio management activities and is the senior portfolio manager of all investment grade (taxable) portfolios. He is a member of the Seix Investment Policy Group. Before joining Seix in 1999, he was a portfolio manager at GRE Insurance Group, where he was responsible for all North American fixed income assets within the group. Prior to that, he was a portfolio manager and analyst at Home Insurance Company, focused primarily on mortgage backed securities. Perry began his career as an account analyst at Goldman, Sachs & Company. He received a B.S. degree in Economics and Computer Coordinate w/Economics from Trinity College and an M.B.A. degree in Finance from New York University.
James F. Keegan Senior Vice President 2008 2022
Biografie As CIO, Jim has oversight responsibilities for the investment teams and specific portfolio management responsibilities within the investment grade team. He also leads the Seix Investment Policy Group. Prior to joining Seix, Jim was Head of Investment Grade Corporate & High Yield Bond Management for American Century Investments. In this role he was responsible for portfolio management, strategy, credit research and trading. Prior to this, Jim was Chief Investment Officer at Westmoreland Capital Management and Managing Director of Investment Grade and High Yield Fixed Income at UBS Global Asset Management. At UBS he was Chairman of the Investment Strategy and Credit Policy Committee and directly responsible for management of a number of funds. Earlier in his career he was Director of Research and Chairman of the Credit Strategy Committee at Bankers Trust. Jim received a B.S. degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Business Management from St. Francis College and an M.B.A. degree (Beta Gamma Sigma) from Fordham University.
Adrien Webb Managing Director 2004 2015
Biografie Adrien Webb, CFA Senior Portfolio Manager – Global Credit Joined Seix Investment Advisors LLC 2000, Industry Experience since 1995 Adrien is an experienced senior portfolio manager focused on global corporate and sovereign debt and a member of the Seix Investment Policy Group. Before joining Seix in 2000, Adrien was a vice president and senior fixed income analyst at Conning Asset Management where he was responsible for managing $6 billion in fixed income assets. He built an excellent record in managing both investment grade and high yield portfolios and began his career as a research analyst at Conning. Adrien received a B.S.B.A. degree in Finance (Summa Cum Laude) from the University of Missouri and is a CFA Charterholder.
Seth Antiles Managing Director 2005 2011
Biografie Seth Antiles. Mr. Antiles joined Seix Investment Advisors LLC in 2005 and serves as Senior Portfolio Manager and Managing Director. He specializes in global macro strategies. Mr. Antiles is focused on research and oversight for all emerging market and non-dollar investments and is a member of the Seix Investment Policy Group, which determines firm-wide asset allocation policy. He has worked in investment management since 1994. He received a B.A. degree in Economics and Political Science and also received his Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in Political Economy from Columbia University.
John Talty Executive Vice President 2004 2007
Biografie Talty has served as executive vice president since joining Trusco in May 2004. Prior to joining Trusco, Talty served as president and senior portfolio manager of Seix Investment Advisors, Inc. from January 1993 to May 2004. He has more than 25 years of investment experience. Talty holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Charles B. Leonard first Vice President, Senior Portfolio Manager 2003 2004
Biografie Leonard is first vice president and senior fixed-income portfolio manager with Trusco Capital Management, his employer since 1987. Leonard is a Chartered Financial Analyst.
L. Earl Denney Senior Vice President, Director 1992 2004
Biografie Denney is currently senior vice president and director of fixed-income investments with SunBank Capital Management, his employer since June 1983. Previously, he was a portfolio manager for five years with American National Bank and two years as an account executive with Merrill Lynch. Denney is a Chartered Financial Analyst, a Certified Financial Planner, and a member of the National Municipal Analysts Federation.

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