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State Street Equity 500 Index Fund Administrative Shares (STFAX)

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434,01 +3,94    +0,92%
04/10 - Geschlossen. Währung in USD ( Haftungsausschluss )
Typ:  Fonds
Markt:  USA
Emittent:  State Street Global Advisors
Anlageklasse:  Aktie
  • Morningstar Rating:
  • Aktiva (gesamt): 182,29M
State Street Equity 500 Index Adm 434,01 +3,94 +0,92%

STFAX Übersicht

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie ein ausführliches State Street Equity 500 Index Fund Administrative Shares Profil. Erfahren Sie mehr über das Management, das Gesamtvermögen, die Anlagestrategie und die STFAX Kontaktinformationen.

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Adresse One Congress Street, Suite 1,
Boston,MA 02114-2016
United States
Telefon 617-664-7338


Name Titel Seit Bis
Amy Scofield Principal 2012 Aktuell
Biografie Amy Scofield is a Principal of SSGA and a Portfolio Manager in the Global Equity Beta Solutions Group. Ms. Scofield rejoined SSGA in November of 2010, after spending two years at Atlantic Trust Company, a private wealth management firm. In her role at Atlantic Trust Company, Ms. Scofield specialized in asset allocation and performance analysis for high net worth clients. Prior to Atlantic Trust Company, Ms. Scofield was a compliance officer at SSGA, where she was responsible for ensuring equity portfolios met specified guidelines. Ms. Scofield also worked as an operations associate in SSGA's International Structured Products Group. Ms. Scofield holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Boston College.
Karl A. Schneider Vice President 2002 Aktuell
Biografie Karl Schneider, CAIA, is a Vice President of SSGA and SSGA FM, and Head of U.S. Equity Strategies for GEBS, where in addition to overseeing the management of the U.S. equity index strategies, he also serves as a portfolio manager for a number of the group's passive equity portfolios. Previously within GEBS, he served as a portfolio manager and product specialist for synthetic beta strategies, including commodities, buy/write, and hedge fund replication. Prior to joining GEBS, Mr. Schneider worked as a portfolio manager in SSGA's Currency Management Group, managing both active currency selection and traditional passive hedging overlay portfolios. He joined SSGA in 1996. Mr. Schneider holds a BS in finance and investments from Babson College and an MS in finance from Boston College. He has earned the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst designation. Mr. Schneider is a member of the CAIA Association.
Michael J. Feehily Senior Managing Director 2014 2023
Biografie Mr. Feehily, CFA, is a Managing Director of SSGA and the Adviser and Co-Head of Passive Equity Strategies in North America in the Global Equity Beta Solutions Group. In this capacity, Mr. Feehily has oversight of the North American Passive Equity teams in Boston and Montreal. In addition, Mr. Feehily is a member of the Senior Management Group. Mr. Feehily rejoined SSgA in 2010 after spending the previous four years at State Street Global Markets LLC where he helped to build the Exposure Solutions business.
John A. Tucker Head 2007 2017
Biografie John Tucker, CFA, is a Senior Managing Director of SSGA and the Adviser and Co-Head of Passive Equity Strategies in North America in GEBS. He joined the firm in 1988 and is responsible for overseeing the management of all passive equity index strategies and Exchange Traded Funds managed in North America. He is a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Previously, Mr. Tucker was head of the Structured Products Group in SSGA's London office where he was responsible for the management of all index strategies in SSGA's second largest investment center. Mr. Tucker received a BA in Economics from Trinity College and an MS in Finance from Boston College. Mr. Tucker has also earned the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the Boston Security Analysts Society and the CFA Institute. In addition, Mr. Tucker is a member of the Russell Index Client Advisory Board and on the S&P U.S. Index Advisory Panel.
James B. May Principal, Senior Portfolio Manager 2007 2007
Biografie May is a principal of SSgA and a principal of the Adviser. He is a Senior Portfolio Manager in SSgA's Global Structured Products Team and joined SSgA in 1991. Previously, he worked in the SSgA's Passive U.S. Equity Operations department as a Senior Analyst. He has been working in the investment management field since 1989. May holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. He is a member of the Boston Security Analysts Society and CFA Institute.
John A. Tucker Head 2006 2007
Biografie John Tucker, CFA, is a Senior Managing Director of SSGA and the Adviser and Co-Head of Passive Equity Strategies in North America in GEBS. He joined the firm in 1988 and is responsible for overseeing the management of all passive equity index strategies and Exchange Traded Funds managed in North America. He is a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Previously, Mr. Tucker was head of the Structured Products Group in SSGA's London office where he was responsible for the management of all index strategies in SSGA's second largest investment center. Mr. Tucker received a BA in Economics from Trinity College and an MS in Finance from Boston College. Mr. Tucker has also earned the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the Boston Security Analysts Society and the CFA Institute. In addition, Mr. Tucker is a member of the Russell Index Client Advisory Board and on the S&P U.S. Index Advisory Panel.
Michael J. Feehily Senior Managing Director 2006 2007
Biografie Mr. Feehily, CFA, is a Managing Director of SSGA and the Adviser and Co-Head of Passive Equity Strategies in North America in the Global Equity Beta Solutions Group. In this capacity, Mr. Feehily has oversight of the North American Passive Equity teams in Boston and Montreal. In addition, Mr. Feehily is a member of the Senior Management Group. Mr. Feehily rejoined SSgA in 2010 after spending the previous four years at State Street Global Markets LLC where he helped to build the Exposure Solutions business.
Management Team - 2003 2005
Biografie Team Managed

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