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DGAP-News: AVIC International Beijing Company Limited Announces Successful Completion of a Voluntary Public Takeover Offer for Shares in KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG (deutsch)

Veröffentlicht am 27.12.2013, 12:59
AVIC International Beijing Company Limited Announces Successful Completion of a Voluntary Public Takeover Offer for Shares in KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG

DGAP-News: AVIC International Engineering Holdings PTE LTD /

Schlagwort(e): Übernahmeangebot

AVIC International Beijing Company Limited Announces Successful

Completion of a Voluntary Public Takeover Offer for Shares in KHD

Humboldt Wedag International AG

27.12.2013 / 12:59


AVIC International Beijing Company Limited Announces Successful Completion

of a Voluntary Public Takeover Offer for Shares in KHD Humboldt Wedag

International AG

- Takeover offer was conducted jointly by an indirectly wholly-owned

subsidiary of AVIC International Beijing Company Ltd. and three other


- Takeover offer accepted for 20,112,785 KHD shares (40.465 % of KHD's

total share capital)

- Additional 9,456,353 KHD shares (19.03 % of KHD's total share capital)

acquired by individual share purchase agreements outside the takeover offer

- The condition precedent of the takeover offer and the share purchase

agreements has been fulfilled: Turkish merger control clearance has been


- Additional Acceptance Period starts on 30 December 2013 and ends on 13

January 2014, 24:00 hours local time in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Beijing, December 27, 2013 - AVIC International Beijing Company Limited

('AVIC') is pleased to announce the following:

The joint takeover offer of AVIC International Engineering Holdings Pte.

Ltd. ('AVIC Engineering'), an indirectly wholly-owned subsidiary of AVIC

and Europe Project Management Pte. Ltd., Europe Technology Pte. Ltd. and

Europe Engineering Holdings Pte. Ltd., to acquire no-par value ordinary

bearer shares in KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG ('KHD') was accepted

for 20,112,785 shares (40.465 % of total share capital). In addition, the

joint bidders have acquired further 19.03 % of KHD shares by individual

share purchase agreements dated October 11, 2013 concluded with several

shareholders outside the offer. The Turkish Competition Board has approved

the transaction on December 26, 2013. Settlement of the offer is scheduled

to be executed on January 7, 2014, closing of the share purchase agreements

will happen in due course. AVIC will indirectly hold a total of 39,509,853

shares (79.491 %) of the share capital. This is due to the fact that AVIC

already indirectly owns a total of approx. 20 % of the shares in KHD

through its subsidiary Max Glory. As a result, the bidders - and indirectly

AVIC - are now majority shareholders of KHD.

Mr Diao, president of AVIC, is pleased about the successful takeover of KHD

and comments: 'The level of acceptance of KHD shareholders in the course of

the offer expresses the fairness of the price premium we have offered to

them.' The joint bidders offered a cash consideration of EUR 6.45 per KHD

share. The offer price included a premium of approx. 35 % on the weighted

average domestic stock exchange price for KHD shares in the three-month

period prior to the publication of the decision to launch the takeover

offer on October 11. Thus, the total price for the acquisition, including

the share purchase agreements and the shares tendered during the offer

period, amounts to EUR 190,720,940.10. Already in 2010, AVIC and KHD

entered into an exclusive cooperation agreement. The takeover will

contribute to the intensification of the cooperation, to the transformation

of the KHD Group into a stable ownership structure, and to the further

development of its strategy and position in the market. Mr Diao underlines

the positive effect of the takeover: 'Our commitment is long-term. We will

not only maintain KHD's business activity - our clear target is to extend

the business operations and to continue the growth strategy.'

Further information on the completed voluntary public takeover offer is

available on the internet at www.avicgo1.de.

Contact AVIC

Ms Ada Zhang

T: +86 10 849 71051

E: zhangm@caticbj.com.cn

About AVIC

The AVIC Group ranks 212 amongst Fortune Global 500. Its business units

cover, amongst others, defense, transport aircraft, engine, helicopter,

avionics and systems, general aviation, aviation research, flight test,

trade and logistics, assets management, finance services, engineering

planning and construction and engineering, procurement and construction,

automobile and shipping. Furthermore, the AVIC Group is engaged in

air-conditioning equipment, general electronics, recycling, alternative

energy, aircraft rental service, transportation and logistics, medical

care, construction, real estate development, shopping malls and other

sectors of the service industry. It owns more than 2,000 member companies,

over 25 listed companies and has approximately 400,000 employees.

For further information please go to www.avic.com.cn.

Important legal information / Disclaimer

This announcement does not constitute an invitation to make an offer to

sell KHD Shares. With the exception of the offer document, announcements do

not constitute an offer to purchase KHD shares and are not for the purposes

of the bidders making any representations or entering into any other

binding legal commitments. An offer to purchase shares in KHD Humboldt

Wedag International AG is solely made by the offer document as approved by

the Federal Supervisory Authority (BaFin) and is exclusively subject to its

terms and conditions. The terms and conditions of the Takeover Offer may

differ from the general information described in this announcement. To the

extent legally permissible, the bidders reserve the right to change the

terms and conditions of the Takeover Offer. KHD Shareholders are strongly

recommended to read the offer document and all documents in connection with

the Takeover Offer, since they contain important information, and to seek

independent advice where appropriate in order to reach a reasoned decision

in respect of the content of the offer document and the Takeover Offer


The Takeover Offer is issued exclusively under the laws of the Federal

Republic of Germany, especially under the WpÜG and the Regulation on the

Content of the Offer Document, Consideration for Takeover Offers and

Mandatory Offers and the Release from the Obligation to Publish and Issue

an Offer ('WpÜG Offer Regulation'). The Takeover Offer is not executed

according to the provisions of jurisdictions (including the jurisdictions

of the United States of America, Canada, Australia, and Japan) other than

the Federal Republic of Germany. Thus, except for the merger control

clearance procedure before the Turkish competition authority and the

approvals of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited as described in the

offer document, no other announcements, registrations, admissions or

approvals of the Takeover Offer outside the Federal Republic of Germany

have been filed, arranged for or granted. KHD Shareholders cannot refer to

provisions for the protection of investors of jurisdictions other than

those of the Federal Republic of Germany. Any agreement that is concluded

on the basis of the acceptance of the Takeover Offer will be exclusively

governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany and shall be

interpreted in accordance with them.

Ende der Corporate News


27.12.2013 Veröffentlichung einer Corporate News/Finanznachricht,

übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein Unternehmen der EQS Group AG.

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