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Monat | Akt. | +/- | Offen | Hoch | Tief | Volumen | Zeit | Chart | |
Mar 25 | 113-19 | +0-13 | 113-07 | 113-21 | 113-07 | 9406 | 17:41 | Q / C / O | |
Jun 25 | 112-31s | +0-10 | 112-24 | 113-02 | 112-11 | 254 | 01/24/25 | Q / C / O | |
Sep 25 | 112-31s | +0-10 | 112-31 | 112-31 | 112-31 | 0 | 01/24/25 | Q / C / O |
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