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Ninety One Cautious Managed Fund C (0P0000JZ33)

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2,269 -0,000    -0,01%
01/07 - Zeitverzögert. Währung in ZAR ( Haftungsausschluss )
Typ:  Fonds
Markt:  Südafrika
Emittent:  Investec Fund Mgrs SA
ISIN:  ZAE000079521 
Anlageklasse:  Aktie
  • Morningstar Rating:
  • Aktiva (gesamt): 20,78B
Investec Cautious Managed Fund C 2,269 -0,000 -0,01%

0P0000JZ33 Übersicht

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie ein ausführliches Ninety One Cautious Managed Fund C Profil. Erfahren Sie mehr über das Management, das Gesamtvermögen, die Anlagestrategie und die 0P0000JZ33 Kontaktinformationen.

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Name Titel Seit Bis
Duane Cable - 2019 Aktuell
Biografie Duane is a portfolio manager in Ninety One’s Quality team and heads the South African Quality business. He is a co-portfolio manager of the Cautious Managed Fund. As the head of South African Quality research, he leads the research agenda for the South African-focused Quality analysts, and is also responsible for analysing South African stocks. As part of the broader global Quality team, he researches global stocks. Prior to joining the firm he was Head of SA Equities at Coronation Fund Managers. He also managed absolute return strategies, including co-portfolio management of the Coronation Balanced Defensive Fund. Before that he was a manager in the Transaction Advisory Services division of Ernst & Young in New York, involved primarily in financial due diligence advisory services re mergers and acquisitions. Duane has a Bachelor of Commerce Honours (Accounting) from the University of Natal. He is a Chartered Accountant and member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants and is a CFA® charterholder.
Sumesh Chetty - 2013 Aktuell
Biografie Sumesh is a portfolio manager at Ninety One within our Quality team. He has responsibility for our absolute return strategies and is co-portfolio manager of the Cautious Managed Fund and the Absolute Balanced Fund. He joined the firm in 2007 from Metropolitan Asset Managers where he managed the Metropolitan Absolute Return Fund from 2005. Before joining Metropolitan, Sumesh spent three years as an investment actuary at Metropolitan Employee Benefits, where he was responsible for managing smooth bonus funds. Sumesh began his career at Swiss Re Life & Health, where he spent over three years as an actuarial specialist. Sumesh graduated from the University of Cape Town with a Bachelor of Business Science (Hons) degree in Actuarial Science and a postgraduate diploma in Actuarial Science. He is also a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries in the United Kingdom.
Clyde Rossouw Head of Quality 2011 Aktuell
Biografie Clyde is Head of Quality at Ninety One, based in Cape Town. He is lead portfolio manager of the Global Franchise and Opportunity strategies, co-portfolio manager of the Global Quality Dividend Growth Strategy and portfolio manager of the International Franchise strategy. Clyde joined the firm in 1999, initially as an asset allocation and sector allocation strategist. Prior to Ninety One, Clyde was awarded a study bursary by Sanlam where he worked for eight years, including five years in asset management. His experience in investments included fixed income analysis and portfolio management. Clyde graduated from the University of Cape Town with a Bachelor of Science degree in Statistics and Actuarial Science. He was awarded the Certificates in Actuarial Techniques in 1995, and Finance and Investments in 1997 by the Institute of Actuaries in London. Clyde is a CFA® Charterholder.
Sam Houlie Head 2006 2011
Biografie Sam has been appointed head of the Unconstrained Strategies team at Momentum Asset Management and brings 16 years’ of domestic and global investment experience to the firm. Sam was at Investec Asset Management until September 2011, where he held the positions of director, head of South African equities and portfolio manager in the Global Contrarian team. He started his career in the investment management industry at Allan Gray and moved to Abvest (now ABSA Asset Management), where he fulfilled the roles of portfolio manager, chief investment officer and, ultimately, chief executive officer, before leaving to join Investec Asset Management in early 2006. He headed a team of investment professionals responsible for well over R100 billion in equities across the full spectrum of portfolios, from pure equity to multi-asset mandates. He was the lead portfolio manager and key decision maker for close on R40 billion in client assets, including the Investec Global Franchise Fund and Investec Cautious Managed Fund. He also managed the Discovery Equity Fund from its inception in November 2007.

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