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Sei Daily Income Trust Short-duration Government Fund Class F (TCSGX)

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9,94 +0,01    +0,10%
02/07 - Zeitverzögert. Währung in USD ( Haftungsausschluss )
Typ:  Fonds
Markt:  USA
Emittent:  SEI
Anlageklasse:  Anleihe
  • Morningstar Rating:
  • Aktiva (gesamt): 619,83M
SEI Short-Duration Government F (SDIT) 9,94 +0,01 +0,10%

TCSGX Übersicht

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie ein ausführliches Sei Daily Income Trust Short-duration Government Fund Class F Profil. Erfahren Sie mehr über das Management, das Gesamtvermögen, die Anlagestrategie und die TCSGX Kontaktinformationen.

Short Government

Aktiva (gesamt)







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Name Titel Seit Bis
Philip Terrenzio Portfolio Manager 2022 Aktuell
Biografie Philip Terrenzio serves as an assistant portfolio manager for the Fixed Income Team within the Investment Management Unit. He works directly under portfolio managers and assists them with monitoring portfolio exposures, portfolio risks, performance attribution, and daily cash flows for money market, liability driven investing, core, high yield and government funds. Prior to joining the Investment Management Unit, Mr. Terrenzio started his career at SEI in 2013 as a mutual fund accountant and supervisor within SEI's Investment Management Services where he worked on the operations and administration of SEI's mutual funds. Mr. Terrenzio earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major in Finance from Saint Joseph's University, graduating cum laude, and is a CFA charterholder.
Anthony Karaminas Head 2022 Aktuell
Biografie Anthony Karaminas, CFA, serves as Head of SIMC Fixed Income & Multi-Asset, within SIMC's Investment Management Unit. In this role, Mr. Karaminas is responsible for Portfolio Management leadership and oversight duties for the entirety of the SIMC Fixed Income & Multi-Asset Business. Prior to joining SEI, he was an associate portfolio manager/analyst within the Multi-Manager Solution team at UBS Asset Management. He previously held the role of Sector Head of Global Fixed Income and Global High Yield funds research in London with S&P Capital IQ; prior to that, he served as an analyst in Melbourne, Australia. Anthony was also a senior analyst at Goldman Sachs JBWere. Anthony earned a Bachelor of Business (with honors) from Swinburne University in Melbourne, Australia. He is a CFA charterholder and a member of the CFA Institute.
Richard A. Bamford Portfolio Manager 2014 Aktuell
Biografie Richard A. Bamford serves as a Portfolio Manager for the Fixed Income Team within SIMC's Investment Management Unit. Mr. Bamford is responsible for investment grade debt and municipal bond portfolios. Mr. Bamford's duties include manager analysis and selection, strategy development and enhancement as well as investment research. Mr. Bamford has over 20 years of investment experience in investment management. Prior to joining SEI in 1999, Mr. Bamford worked as a Municipal Credit Analyst for Vanguard. Mr. Bamford received a Bachelor of Science in Economics/Finance and Accounting from the University of Scranton and an M.B.A. with a concentration in Finance from St. Joseph's University.
Brian Conroy Portfolio Manager 2012 Aktuell
Biografie Brian Conroy, CFA, Managing Director and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management. Mr. Conroy joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2012. Prior to joining Wellington, Mr. Conroy earned his MBA from Harvard Business School in 2012. From 2005 to 2010, he worked at Susquehanna International Group, first as a fixed income trader and then as an equity index derivatives trader.
Michael F. Garrett Senior Managing Director 2003 2021
Biografie Michael F. Garrett, Senior Managing Director and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager of Wellington Management. Michael is a fixed income portfolio manager responsible for managing mortgage and government bond portfolios for Wellington Management's mutual fund, institutional, and government clients. He is a member of the firm's Mortgage, Short Bond, and Structured Finance Strategy Groups. Prior to joining Wellington Management in 1999, Michael was a fixed income securities trader with Credit Suisse First Boston (1996 — 1999), a mortgage portfolio manager with MetLife Investment Management Co. (1995 — 1996), and the senior securities trader for First Federal Savings & Loan Association (1991 — 1995). Michael received his BA in economics from Yale University (1991).
Erin K. Garrett Portfolio Manager 2014 2020
Biografie Erin Garrett is a portfolio manager in the T. Rowe Price ActivePlus Portfolios Program, Target Allocation Active Series and an associate portfolio manager for the Target Allocation strategies. Erin is a vice president of T. Rowe Price Group, Inc., and T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. Erin’s investment experience began in 2007, and she has been with T. Rowe Price since 2020, beginning in the Multi-Asset Division. Prior to this, Erin was employed by SEI as a portfolio manager, overseeing $45 billion in U.S. taxable and tax-exempt fixed income mutual funds and separate accounts. She was responsible for the selection of fund subadvisors and the allocations among these managers to optimize diversification of style, alpha source, and risk. She was shortlisted for best manager in the “Bonds” category for the 2019 Women in Asset Management Awards. Erin earned a B.S. in business administration/finance and an M.B.A., with concentrations in strategic management and international business, from Villanova University.
Management Team - 1996 2002
Biografie Team Managed
John C. Keogh Senior Vice President 1995 1996
Biografie John C. Keogh is Senior Vice President, Partner, and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager. As a fixed income portfolio manager, John is responsible for the management of investment grade fixed income portfolios, primarily for mutual fund and insurance clients. He is chair of the Fixed Income Review Group, which reviews the firm's fixed income portfolios to ensure that they meet client objectives and expectations. In addition, John serves on the CBO (Collateralized Bond Obligation) Investment Review Group. Prior to joining Wellington Management in 1983, John worked at Connecticut National Bank in the Portfolio Management, Economics, Funding, and Capital Markets Groups (1979 —1983). John received his BA in economics from Tufts University (1979).

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