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State Street Small-cap Equity V.i.s. Fund Class 1 (0P00003DB3)

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12,410 0,000    0,00%
03/07 - Geschlossen. Währung in USD ( Haftungsausschluss )
Typ:  Fonds
Markt:  USA
Emittent:  State Street Global Advisors
Anlageklasse:  Aktie
  • Morningstar Rating:
  • Aktiva (gesamt): 24,69M
State Street Small-Cap Equity V.I.S. Fund Class 1 12,410 0,000 0,00%

0P00003DB3 Übersicht

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Name Titel Seit Bis
Phillip Cook Co-Chief Investment Officer & Principal 2022 Aktuell
Biografie Mr. Cook joined SouthernSun in 2006. He is responsible for coordination of research and communication within the Investment Team and is responsible for the research and analysis of existing portfolio companies as well as new ideas. He also provides input on portfolio management and construction. Prior to joining SouthernSun, Mr. Cook served as the Analyst to the Chairman and CEO of Trivest Partners, a Miami-based private equity firm focused on middle-market LBOs. He received his B.S. in International Business, summa cum laude, from Auburn University. Mr. Cook serves on the Board of Su Casa Family Ministries.
McAfee S. Burke Asst. PM & Research Anayst 2022 Aktuell
Biografie MCAFEE BURKE, CFA®, Portfolio Manager for the Small Cap Value and SMID Cap Value strategies and Research Analyst. As a Research Analyst at KCM, Mr. Burke is responsible for selecting and monitoring securities within the consumer and industrials sectors of KCM’s universe.  McAfee joined Kennedy Capital in October 2015.  Mr. Burke began his investment career in 2005, and prior to joining KCM he worked as a portfolio manager and senior equity analyst for Delaware Investments for 8 years.  McAfee earned a B.A. in Economics and Spanish from Bowdoin College.
Ross Johnson - 2021 Aktuell
Biografie Ross Johnson joined Riverbridge in 2010. As Chief Investment Officer, Ross is responsible for coordinating the efforts of the Investment Team and overall portfolio compliance with the firm’s investment disciplines. He is also responsible for security selection and conducting company and industry research across all sections. Ross is a member of the management team at Riverbridge, which is responsible for the strategic decision making and overall management of the firm. Prior to joining Riverbridge, Ross spent three years with Boston Scientific as a manufacturing operations supervisor and a financial analyst, and began his career working for the Rosemount Division of Emerson Process Management as an engineer. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of North Dakota and his MBA from the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business. Ross is a holder of the right to use the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation. He is a member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society of Minnesota. Ross spends most of his time outside of work with his family watching youth sports, fishing, alpine skiing, or adopting a new hobby.
Mark A. Thompson CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2021 Aktuell
Biografie Mark Thompson co-founded Riverbridge in 1987 to pursue his passionate belief in long-term investing. As Chief Manager, Mark is responsible for the strategic decision making and overall management of the firm. He is also Chairman of the Riverbridge Board of Governors. Mark serves as the Chief Investment Officer, where he is responsible for coordinating the efforts of the Investment Team and overall portfolio compliance to Riverbridge investment disciplines. Prior to founding Riverbridge, Mark spent several years at IDS Financial Corp. where he performed investment research and was an associate portfolio manager of the IDS New Dimensions Fund. Mark earned his Bachelor of Science in Business degree in Finance from the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management and is a member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society of Minnesota. Mark is also a member of the Board of Directors of Wiland Direct, Inc., TreeHouse, Opportunity International Nicaragua, and Pulse Outreach, as well as a Trustee of the LoCorr mutual funds and the Board of Investment – Converge Retirement Fund.
Carrie Peluso Portfolio Manager 2021 Aktuell
Biografie Carrie Peluso, CFA, is a Managing Director of the Adviser and the Head of Manager Research for the Global Fiduciary Solutions (GFS) group. She joined the Adviser in 2018.
Shawn McKay - 2019 Aktuell
Biografie Shawn McKay, CFA, is a Vice President of SSGA and a member of the portfolio construction team within the Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (“OCIO”) business. In his role with OCIO, he has also worked as part of the manager research team where he conducted due diligence, and ongoing oversight on a variety of asset managers/strategies. Prior to this, Mr. McKay was a member of the Fiduciary Advisory Solutions group within SSGA where his responsibilities included daily operations, data gathering for manager research, trading, and client reporting. He has been with SSGA since 2007 and State Street since 1999. Prior to joining SSGA, he was an AVP and Senior Public Reporting Analyst in the Corporate Finance group responsible for capital adequacy reporting to the Federal Reserve, as well as being a part of the Basel II implementation project. Prior to this he held various positions in the Investor Services division of State Street Bank. Mr. McKay holds a Master of Science in Finance from Suffolk University and a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He has earned the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, and is a member of the CFA Institute, Inc., and CFA Society Boston, Inc.
Marc Shapiro Managing Director 2012 Aktuell
Biografie Marc is a Partner and Senior Portfolio Manager for Palisade Capital Management’s Small Cap Core Equity and Smid Cap Core Equity strategies. He is a member of the firm’s Investment Committee. Prior to his promotion to Senior Portfolio Manager in March 2012, Marc was Associate Portfolio Manager and Senior Vice President of Research for the strategy with lead research responsibility for a number of sectors, including Information Technology and Telecom Services. Prior to joining Palisade in 2004, Marc was a Senior Equity Analyst at Awad Asset Management and a Small Cap Analyst at Schroders. He received his M.S. in Finance from Drexel University and his B.S. in Finance from the College of New Jersey.
Frank Latuda Vice President, Director, Chief Investment Officer, and Portfolio Manager 2010 Aktuell
Biografie Frank Latuda, Jr., CFA®, Chief Investment Officer (“CIO”) and Portfolio Manager of Kennedy Capital Management, Inc. ("KCM"). Mr. Latuda is also a Portfolio Manager for the company’s SMID Cap Value, Mid Cap Value, and All Cap Value strategies. Mr. Latuda serves as a member of the company’s Board of Directors and as CIO, Mr. Latuda is the Chairman of the Investment Policy Committee. Mr. Latuda began his investment career in 1992 and prior to joining KCM, he was an analyst with Burns, Pauli, Mahoney Company. Mr. Latuda joined KCM as an equity analyst in 1997 and served as Director of Research from 1998 until 2000. Mr. Latuda earned a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Notre Dame, as well as an M.S. in Electrical Engineering and an M.B.A. from the University of Illinois.
Scott Brayman Managing Partner - Chief Investment Officer 2008 Aktuell
Biografie Scott has more than 38 years of investment management experience. He is a founding partner of the firm and leads the small and mid cap investment team. Prior to founding Champlain in 2004, Scott was a Senior Vice President at NL Capital Management, Inc. and served as a Portfolio Manager with Sentinel Advisors, Inc. where he was responsible for managing small cap and mid cap core strategies. He also spent time as a Portfolio Manager and Director of Marketing for Argyle Capital Management in Allentown, Pennsylvania, before joining NL Capital Management, Inc. Scott began his career as a Credit Analyst with the First National Bank of Maryland. Scott graduated cum laude from the University of Delaware with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration. He earned his Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA) designation in 1995 and is a member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society Vermont.
Michael W. Cook CEO 2008 Aktuell
Biografie Michael Cook is the Founder, the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer at SouthernSun responsible for all portfolio management activities for the firm. In his over 30 years of experience as a research analyst and portfolio manager, Mr. Cook has developed a unique investment philosophy and process which serves as the core of the firm’s U.S. and Global Equity strategies. Prior to founding SouthernSun in 1989, Mr. Cook was a portfolio manager/analyst at Front Street Capital Management from 1986 to 1988, and was an account executive at Merrill Lynch from 1985 to 1986. Throughout his career, he has been featured and quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, and Bloomberg Markets Magazine and has been a speaker on CNBC, Fox Business News, and Bloomberg TV. Mr. Cook attended Covenant College and the OCCA Business Programme, Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford, and is a member of the CFA Institute.

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