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Zentralbanken Weltweit

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Land der Börsennotierung:

  Name Akt. Zinssatz Land
Bank von Mauritius (BOM)

Bank of Mauritius which is the Central Bank of the Republic of Mauritius. Standing at the centre of the Mauritian financial system, the Bank is committed to promoting...

4,50%  Mauritius
Nationalbank der Republik Mazedonien (NBRM)

According to the law on the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, the National Bank shall perform the following functions: establish and conduct the monetary...

3,25%  Mazedonien
Bank von Mexiko (BdeM)

Banco de Mexico ist die Zentralbank Mexikos. Gemäß der Landesverfassung ist die Institution vollständig autonom in ihrer Arbeit und Verwaltung. Die Hauptaufgabe der Bank...

9,50%  Mexiko
Nationalbank von Moldawien (NBM)

The National Bank of Moldova is the central bank of the Republic of Moldova and exercises its attributions as a legal, public, autonomous person responsible to the...

2,65%  Moldau
Bank der Mongolei

The Bank of Mongolia is the central bank of Mongolia. The legal grounds of the central bank’s powers, its management, organization, activities and the relations...

6%  Mongolei
Bank von Mosambik

The Bank of Mozambique is the central bank of Mozambique. The bank does not function as a commercial bank, and has the responsibility of governing the monetary policies...

13,25%  Mosambik
Zentralbank von Myanmar (CBM)

The Central Bank of Myanmar is the central bank of Myanmar (formerly Burma). It was established under the Central Bank of Myanmar Law in 1990. Its headquarters are in...

7%  Myanmar
Bank von Namibia (BON)

The Bank of Namibia was established in 1993 to replace the never opened Namibia Reserve Bank. The Bank of Namibia is the only institution that is permitted to issue the...

6,75%  Namibia
Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB)

The Nepal Rastra Bank ,established in 1956, is the central bank of Nepal. It supervises the commercial banks in Nepal and guides monetary policy. Nepal Rastra Bank also...

5%  Nepal
Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ)

Die Reserve Bank of New Zealand ist die Zentralbank von Neuseeland und wurde mit dem Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act im Jahr 1989 begründet. Direktor der Reserve Bank ist...

3,75%  Neuseeland
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