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Zentralbanken Weltweit

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Land der Börsennotierung:

  Name Akt. Zinssatz Land
Bank von Slowenien

The Bank of Slovenia is the central bank of the Republic of Slovenia. It was established on 25 June 1991 by the adoption of the Bank of Slovenia Act (BoSA). As a member...

0,0%  Slowenien
Somalische Zentralbank

The Central Bank of Somalia was established on June 30, 1960 by Decree No. 3 and converted into Law No. 2 of January 13, 1961. The Bank follows the objectives of...

0%  Somalia
Bank von Spanien (BDE)

Die Bank von Spanien ist die Zentralbank Spaniens. Die im Jahr 1782 von Karl III. gegründete Bank ist heute ein Mitglied des Europäischen Systems der Zentralbanken. Seit...

0,0%  Spanien
Zentralbank von Sri Lanka (CBSL)

The Central Bank of Sri Lanka is the monetary authority of Sri Lanka. It was established in 1950, two years after independence. The founder governor of the Central Bank...

4,5%  Sri Lanka
Zentralbank von Sudan

Bank of Sudan is the central bank of the Sudan. The bank was formed in 1960, four years after Sudan's independence. In addition to the normal duties of a central bank,...

0%  Sudan
Zentralbank von Surinam (CBvS)

The Central Bank of Suriname is Suriname's highest monetary authority and the country's governing body in monetary and economic affairs. It was established on 1st of...

0%  Suriname
Zentralbank von Swasiland (CBS)

he Central Bank of Swaziland is the central bank of Swaziland. It was established in 1974 and is based in Mbabane. The bank's mission is to promote monetary stability and...

3,75%  Swasiland
Zentralbank Syriens (CBOS)

The Central Bank of Syria was established by Legislative Decree No. ( 87 ) dated 28/3/1953 which included the Basic Monetary System of Syria . The Bank started its...

0%  Syrien
Zentralbank von São Tomé und Príncipe (BCSTP)

At independence in 1975, the government converted the local branch of the Portuguese colonial bank, Banco Nacional Ultramarino, into the National Bank of São Tomé and...

15,0%  São Tomé und Príncipe
Südafrikanische Zentralbank (SARB)

The South African Reserve Bank is the central bank of South Africa. It was established in 1921 after Parliament passed an act, the "Currency and Bank Act of 10 August...

7,50%  Südafrika
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