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Brighthouse Funds Trust I Schroders Global Multi-asset Portfolio Class B (0P0000VBH5)

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11,850 -0,040    -0,34%
01/07 - Zeitverzögert. Währung in USD ( Haftungsausschluss )
Typ:  Fonds
Markt:  USA
Emittent:  MetLife
Anlageklasse:  Aktie
  • Morningstar Rating:
  • Aktiva (gesamt): 1,06B
Brighthouse Funds Trust I Schroders Global Multi-A 11,850 -0,040 -0,34%

0P0000VBH5 Übersicht

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie ein ausführliches Brighthouse Funds Trust I Schroders Global Multi-asset Portfolio Class B Profil. Erfahren Sie mehr über das Management, das Gesamtvermögen, die Anlagestrategie und die 0P0000VBH5 Kontaktinformationen.

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Name Titel Seit Bis
Ugo Montrucchio Member 2024 Aktuell
Biografie Joined Schroders in December 2013 and is based in London. Ugo manages assets on behalf of Multi-Asset clients across UK and Europe. He heads the duration risk premia research team and is a member of the Global Asset Allocation Committee. Prior to joining Schroders, Ugo worked as a Director at BlackRock from 2007 (formerly Barclays Global Investors) where he was the lead portfolio manager specialising in diversified growth and risk parity strategies. He joined as a research associate in 2006 in the Liability Driven Investment (LDI) Team. Prior to this, Ugo worked as a fixed income investment analyst at Barings Asset Management from 2004 to 2006. He was the joint portfolio manager specialising in a bespoke cash-based LDI strategy. Ugo’s career commenced in 2000 at Barra International Ltd, where he worked as a consultant to portfolio/risk managers. CFA and CAIA Charterholder. BSc in Economics, Turin (Italy); MSc Finance, Greenwich (UK).
Marcus Durell Portfolio Manager 2024 Aktuell
Biografie Marcus leads the Index, FX and Equity Derivatives Investment team that manages derivatives and volatility based exposures globally. He joined Schroders in 2012 Previously he was a fund derivatives and dynamic strategies derivatives trader at ABN AMRO Bank NV (which then became Royal Bank of Scotland NV in 2007) Managed the hedge funds and private equity fund derivatives book as part of the fund derivatives group BComm Hons (1st Class), University of Newcastle, Australia
Mallory Timmermans - 2024 Aktuell
Biografie Mallory Timmermans, CFA, is the Head of Risk Managed Investments Portfolio Management, a team focusing on the delivery of custom growth solutions globally. Ms. Timmermans has been responsible for the Portfolio since 2024 and has been with Schroders since 2012.
Johanna Kyrklund CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2012 Aktuell
Biografie Johanna Kyrklund is the Global Chief Investment Officer, Global Head of Multi-Asset Investments at Schroders, and the lead portfolio manager of the Schroder Diversified Growth Strategy.Johanna leads the Multi-Asset Investments division, is a member of the Group Management Committee (GMC) and Chairs Global Asset Allocation Committee.She joined Schroders in 2007 and is based in London. Johanna was Fund Manager at Insight Investment from 2005 to 2007.She was previously Head of Asset Allocation at Deutsche Asset Management from 1997 to 2005.
Mike Hodgson Head 2012 2024
Biografie Mike Hodgson is Head of Risk Managed Investments and Structuring at Schroders, which involves, in the case of RMI, the management of outcome-oriented growth strategies. Usually this involves modifying the distribution of outcomes, often through the use of derivatives. Structuring involves the design of RMI strategies, and the design and execution of OTC derivatives. He joined Schroders in 2011 and is based in London. Mike was Head of Fund Derivatives Structuring and Trading at ABN AMRO Bank NV from 2006 to 2010, which involved designing, executing and hedging products and solutions that provide an exposure to funds. He was Head of Global Equity Derivatives Structuring at ABN AMRO Bank NV from 2004 to 2006, which involved designing products and solutions that provide an exposure to equities. He was Head of Structured Products and Equity Derivatives at J Henry Schroder & Co. Limited from 1996 to 2000, which involved designing, executing and hedging products and solutions across all asset classes. He was also responsible for equity and fund derivatives trading. When JHS was acquired by Citigroup in 2000, Mike became Head of New Product Development. He was an Interest Rate Derivatives Trader at J Henry Schroder & Co Limited from 1987 to 1992, which involved making markets in and trading and hedging interest rate swaps, swaptions, caps and floors. In 1992, Mike moved to JHS's Structured Products team (which he later led) expanding into derivative instruments across all asset classes. Qualifications: PhD in Physics from Cambridge University; BSc in Physics from Imperial College, London.
Philip Chandler Portfolio Manager 2012 2021
Biografie Joined Schroders in 2003 and is based in London Portfolio manager on the Diversified Growth team, focusing on UK and North American pension and insurance clients. Member of the Duration and Equity risk premia teams Initially joined Schroders as a portfolio manager in the Fixed Income team, with responsibility for global rates, money markets and then Gilt and European government portfolios. Transferred to the Multi-Asset team in 2009 CFA Charterholder. Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, University of Oxford.
Angus Sippe Portfolio Manager 2017 2020
Biografie - Joined Schroders in 2009 and is based in New York - Manages assets on behalf of North American Multi-Asset clients focusing on Diversified Growth and GTAA strategies. He is a member of the Term, Inflation and Equity risk premia research team - Member of the Global Asset Allocation Committee - He was previously a Liability Driven Investment portfolio manager where he was responsible for the design and ongoing management of active LDI strategies - In 2004, prior to joining Schroders, Angus was an Assistant Portfolio manager with Barings and subsequently held a range of analyst roles on a contract basis with Capital International and Nomura - CFA Charterholder - Bachelor of Civil Engineering and Commerce, University of Sydney

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