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DGAP-News: Silvia Quandt & Cie. AG, Brokerage & Investment Banking: In-between the lines - Bernhard Eschweiler (deutsch)

Veröffentlicht am 12.10.2012, 09:17
Aktualisiert 12.10.2012, 09:20
Silvia Quandt & Cie. AG, Brokerage & Investment Banking: In-between the lines - Bernhard Eschweiler

DGAP-News: Silvia Quandt & Cie. AG, Merchant & Investment Banking /

Schlagwort(e): Sonstiges

Silvia Quandt & Cie. AG, Brokerage & Investment Banking: In-between

the lines - Bernhard Eschweiler

12.10.2012 / 09:16


- Market sentiment stuck between central banks and economic news

- Restoration of loan market activity in the US much better than in


- European high yield activity has picked up but not enough to offset

loan slump

The central bank induced rally in financial markets has run out of steam.

Equity markets are trading in a more volatile sideway range and sovereign

spreads in the Euro periphery are no longer falling. Nevertheless, market

sentiment is quite resilient, given the number of negative news, such as

the credit rating downgrade of Spain yesterday and various reductions of

growth forecast by official institutions like the IMF and the World Bank.

We remain positive for financial markets medium term and see better growth

prospects for next year, given the amount of financial stimulus applied by

central banks around the world. However, the fourth quarter is likely to

see more volatility. A particular issue is the deadlock around Spain.

Most likely, it will have to come to another climax before Spain seeks and

receives EU support and the ECB activates its OMT program.

A tale of two loan markets

To be sure, central banks cannot fix it all. One critical area is the

health of the financial system. Central bank support is critical for the

restoration of financial health, but more is required than just cheap

money. In the US, the restoration of financial sector health is well

advanced. Banks have disposed most of their bad assets, insolvent banks

have been wound up and others have been recapitalized. Banks are still

cautious, but lending activity is starting to pick up. The restoration of

banking sector health is also a reason why the housing market has started

to recover this year.

The restoration of financial health is also visible in other areas of the

US financial system. A good example is the leveraged loan market. With an

annual issuance volume of around USD500 billion, the leveraged loan market

is an important factor in US corporate finance and the overall economy.

The financial crisis caused a collapse in loan

issuance, both relative to the pre-crisis peak as well as the pre-crisis

cyclical average. Today, the US loan market is back in business.

September was one of the best months since the crisis. The number of new

deals year-to-date already exceeds last year's level. Activity is not

quite back to the pre-crisis peak and spreads are wider, but issuance

volumes are well above the previous cyclical average. An important factor

in the recovery of the loan market, besides the general restoration of

corporate and financial health, has been the growing demand by

institutional investors, also through the revival of collateralized loan

obligations (CLOs).

In contrast, the European loan market remains depressed. Activity

recovered somewhat in 2010/11, but fell again this year and remains far

below the pre-crisis peak and the previous cyclical average. Spreads have

also widened relative to the US although both markets experienced a similar

deterioration in average credit quality. Before the crisis, European

spreads were lower than US spreads, due partly to tighter supply conditions

(European loan issuance used to be about a third of US loan issuance). The

withdrawal of issuers from the periphery and overseas explains some of the

drop in overall issuance activity, but by far not all. The share of

issuers from the periphery fell from 8.5% in 2007 to 4.5% in 2012. The

share of overseas issuers fell from 11% in 2007 to 6% in 2012.

Most of the drop in activity is due to less issuance from the Euro-area

core, the UK and Scandinavia, which reflects both supply and demand

conditions. Corporate-sector health is mostly good, but companies are

cautious about new investments. Especially M&A activity is very low.

Institutional demand is also weak. In particular the CLO market has

collapsed and there is no sign that it will recover soon as it has in the


European HY bonds make up some of the gap

Some of the gap left by the leveraged loan market has been picked up by the

high yield market. Compared to the US, the European HY market has been

historically much smaller (just about an eighth). Issuance completely

dried up in 2008, but the market recovered nicely in 2009/10 as

institutional investors looked for cheap credits and companies rushed to

close their funding gaps. At the end of 2010, the number of deals was

twice as large as on average in 2006/07. The expansion came to an end in

2011, however. Some of that reflects the withdrawal of overseas issuers

(from a deal share of about 15% in 2010 to near zero in 2012). Similarly

big was the impact of the Euro debt crisis. The issuance volume from

periphery countries dropped from EUR7.9 billion in 2010 to just EUR1.6

billion so far this year.

Monetary policy cannot fix the structural problems behind these problems in

the financial sector. Nevertheless, monetary policy can ensure that the

financial system does not collapse. Moreover, ultra-low interest rate and

quantitative easing will push investors into riskier assets and, thus, help

restore liquidity.


This analysis was prepared by Bernhard Eschweiler, Senior Economic Advisor,

and was first published 12 October 2012, Silvia Quandt Research GmbH,

Grüneburgweg 18, 60322 Frankfurt is responsible for its preparation. German

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GmbH in 2012 the preceding twelve months

Buys: 78 25

Neutral: 53 6

Avoid: 9 0

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Frankfurt am Main, 12.10.2012

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