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Original-Research: getgoods.de Corporate Bond (von GBC AG): strongly above av...

Veröffentlicht am 03.06.2013, 12:57
Aktualisiert 03.06.2013, 13:00
Original-Research: getgoods.de Corporate Bond - von GBC AG

Aktieneinstufung von GBC AG zu getgoods.de Corporate Bond

Unternehmen: getgoods.de Corporate Bond


Anlass der Studie: Credit Research (Anno)

Empfehlung: strongly above average

Letzte Ratingänderung: -

Analyst: Felix Gode, Cosmin Filker

The 2012 financial year was very successful for getgoods.de AG and was

accompanied by an increase in sales by 27.1% to EUR402.58 million. The growth

rate was thus around the level of growth for the overall market. Among

others, the diversification of the product portfolio contributed to the

growth. Whereas the product focus up to now was on IT, mobile

communications, and electronic products, the company expanded this focus in

the 2012 financial year to further commodity groups, such as toys and

household and DIY products.


The expansion of the product scope firstly has the advantage that the newly

included products provide higher margin contributions on average and

secondly compensate for the seasonal heterogeneity. Currently, more than

30% of the sales are generated in Q4 or the Christmas trade.


On the earnings side too, getgoods.de AG developed very dynamically in the

2012 financial year. Among others, the increased gross profit margin, which

is to be seen primarily in connection with the inclusion of other product

groups and the increased number of purchases directly via the company's own

website, also contributed to this. However, it should be noted that the

capital measures implemented in the form of a bond issue and a capital

increase caused one-off costs that encumbered the result. The EBIT posted

was thus EUR5.93 million in the 2012 financial year, which, however, takes

approx. EUR3 million in costs for capital measures into account. When

adjusted to reflect the one-off costs, the EBIT was thus EUR8.93 million and

27.9% above the level of the previous year. In accordance with the

proportional development of earnings to sales, the adjusted EBIT margin of

2.2% was also kept at its level of the previous year.


Overall, we rate the development of getgoods.de AG as convincing. Above

all, the company has made clear that, even with clearly two-digit growth

rates, it can keep the cost situation at an appropriate level and thus also

the margin levels.


For the coming financial years, we are also confident that getgoods.de AG

will grow at least at the rate of the German e-commerce market. For the

2013 financial year, we are expecting sales of EUR485.00 million and thus

20.5% more than in the previous year. With regard to earnings, we are

anticipating corresponding growth, with an increase in margins. For 2013,

we are assuming an EBIT margin of 2.3%. This results in an absolute EBIT

level of EUR11.17 million.


Despite the strong growth and the associated strong expansion of the

balance sheet total, getgoods.de AG appears to have a solid financial basis

and in particular continues to operate very profitably. The key indicators

for credit standing definitely permit this conclusion. In light of this, we

confirm our assessment up to now with regard to the company bond issued in

September 2012 and continue to award 5 'GBC falcons' which corresponds to a

rating of 'strongly above average'.

Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden:


Kontakt für Rückfragen

Jörg Grunwald



Halderstraße 27

86150 Augsburg

0821 / 241133 0



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