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DGAP-News: AEVIS Holding SA: GSMN SA : Development of competence centres in ophthalmology in partnership with Professor André Mermoud (deutsch)

Veröffentlicht am 23.05.2014, 07:00

AEVIS Holding SA: GSMN SA : Development of competence centres in ophthalmology in partnership with Professor André Mermoud

AEVIS Holding SA / Schlagwort(e): Firmenübernahme

23.05.2014 07:00

Veröffentlichung einer Ad-hoc-Mitteilung gemäss Art. 53 KR


Acquisition of a majority stake in Visionplus SA

Genolier Swiss Medical Network SA (GSMN) has the ambition to develop its

ophthalmic activities through the creation of regional competence centres.

The group of private clinics today announces the conclusion of a

partnership with Professor André Mermoud and the acquisition of a majority

stake in Visionplus SA, of which he is medical director. This company,

which will be renamed Genolier Swiss Ophthalmic Network SA, is active in

the field of ophthalmology, mainly at Clinique de Montchoisi in Lausanne.

GSMN wishes to develop this centre and open new ones. The creation of a

second centre has already started in Neuchâtel. All ophthalmic activity of

the group will be centralised in this new structure. GSMN is thrilled to

pursue and reinforce its partnership with Professor André Mermoud, who will

continue to exercise as an ophthalmic surgeon and will actively contribute

to the network's expansion.

GSMN wishes to develop its ophthalmic activity and today announces the

conclusion of a partnership with Professor André Mermoud. This partnership

is materialised through the acquisition of a majority stake in Visionplus

SA, founded in Lausanne by Professor André Mermoud, the renowned ophthalmic

specialist. Visionplus SA, which will be renamed Genolier Swiss Ophthalmic

Network SA, is active in the field of ophthalmology, mainly at Clinique de

Montchoisi in Lausanne. Visionplus yearly performs an important number of

surgical interventions in ophthalmology. The main eye affections treated

are glaucoma's and cataracts. Visionplus SA, which employs 12 people, has

realised a turnover of CHF 3.8 million in 2013. The consolidation of the

results of this new subsidiary within GSMN is foreseen for the second

semester of 2014.

The new company Genolier Swiss Ophthalmic Network SA will first handle the

development of the Centre d'Ophtalmologie at Clinique de Montchoisi in

Lausanne and at Hôpital de la Providence in Neuchâtel. Other centres will

be opened in other Swiss cities.

GSMN is thrilled to pursue and reinforce its partnership with Professor

André Mermoud. Medical director of Genolier Swiss Ophthalmic Network SA,

the latter will continue his activity as ophthalmic surgeon and will

actively participate to the opening of new centres.

By regrouping the ophthalmic activity of its clinics under Genolier Swiss

Ophthalmic Network SA, GSMN wishes to create medical and operational

synergies. The patients will continue to benefit from an optimal care and a

complete treatment of all eye pathologies by the best ophthalmic doctors

and surgeons. Ambulatory care is accessible to all patients, whatever their

insurance coverage is. Stationary care in GSMN's listed clinics is also

accessible to any patient, even with a basic insurance coverage.

For more information :

Press Service GSMN


Tél. +41 (0)22 366 99 87

Genolier Swiss Medical Network SA (GSMN) is the second largest network of

private clinics in Switzerland and the only one present in the three

linguistic regions. Its growth strategy focuses on the creation of a

national network of clinics with a strong regional presence. GSMN's main

objective is to offer first class hospital care to Swiss and foreign

patients. The distinctive features of GSMN include its high quality

services, its brand value, a pleasant working environment and an

experienced management team with an entrepreneurial approach. GSMN operates

14 private clinics in Switzerland, with around 1'275 admitting physicians

and 2'700 employees. GSMN is a 100% subsidiary of AEVIS Holding SA, listed

on SIX Swiss Exchange.

Professor André Mermoud is an FMH specialist in ophthalmology and

ophthalmic surgery. He graduated from the Faculties of Medicine of the

University of Lausanne, the University of Cape Town in South Africa and the

Doheny Eye Institute (University of South California, Los Angeles). As an

ophthalmic surgeon and before developing his activity at Clinique de

Montchoisi, he became recognised in the field of diagnosis and treatment of

glaucoma, as physician assistant at the Hôpital Ophtalmique Jules Gonin in

Lausanne and as associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the

University of Lausanne.

23.05.2014 Mitteilung übermittelt durch die EQS Schweiz AG.

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