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DGAP-News: Haldane McCall Plc: Haldane McCall PLC generated a respectable awareness with its recent presence at the financial fair Invest 2012 in Stuttgart (deutsch)

Veröffentlicht am 04.05.2012, 10:00
Aktualisiert 04.05.2012, 10:04
Haldane McCall Plc: Haldane McCall PLC generated a respectable awareness with its recent presence at the financial fair Invest 2012 in Stuttgart

DGAP-News: Haldane McCall Plc / Schlagwort(e): Marktbericht/Sonstiges

Haldane McCall Plc: Haldane McCall PLC generated a respectable

awareness with its recent presence at the financial fair Invest 2012

in Stuttgart

04.05.2012 / 10:00


Press Release

May 4th 2012

Haldane McCall PLC generated a respectable awareness with its recent

presence at the financial fair Invest 2012 in Stuttgart

It was the first time that Haldane McCall PLC has shown presence at the

leading financial fair with congress program for the D-A-C-H region 'Invest

2012'. The event has taken place from the 27th - 29th of April 2012 in

Stuttgart with over 14.000 visitors, spanning from private- to institutional

investors and other interest groups, who gathered valuable information about

divers investment options and future trends. Regarding the high impact on

the worldwide economy, due to the EU sovereign debt crisis and the visible

risks of divers markets, investors are seeking for detailed information and


There has been a significant interest for the background of Haldane McCall

PLC and the investment opportunity in the emerging market Africa. In many

personal conversations the management of Haldane McCall PLC described the

business models and the two opportunities, either to invest in shares, as

the Company is listed at the Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse, or to place a

direct investment as a long-term partnership to participate in a sustainable

business model. 'Low Cost Housing' was the presented focus at the event and

is the main business field HMK is investing in. HMK realises huge real

estate projects in West Africa (Lagos/Nigeria) in order to create affordable

housing opportunities for the low-and mid income population.

Edward Akinlade, the CEO of Haldane McCall PLC and Chairman of the Suru

Goup, the operational part of the Company has given two presentations at the

'Top Theme Forum'. The forum has had the focus on sustainable investments.

'Low Cost Housing' was a perfect and proven example for this requirement.

The positive response of the audience and the contacts following to his

presentations have shown how investors see the market and importance of

sustainability. On the first day Edward Akinlade has had a TV interview with

'Deutsches Anlegerfernsehen' also covering the hotel business, real estate

section and microfinance bank unit of HMK.

'The positive feed-back on our Company and businesses is a confirmation for

me that we are on the right way and will move straight forward with our

business plan. We will partner with appropriate investors contributing

capital and our mind set for sustainable projects in Africa. Touching lives

and creating value is my personal target as the founder of the Company',

Edward Akinlade summarises the impressions of the Invest 2012 participation.


Haldane McCall PLC is a European Company investing in emerging markets,

primarily in Africa. Haldane McCall PLC is listed at the Frankfurter

Wertpapierbörse (WKN A1JJA7, HMK). HMK invests in real estate in the low

cost housing segment in West Africa. The Group operates the Best Western

hotel brand in West Africa. The Company owns one Best Western hotel and

controls several others via franchise licensing in Nigeria. HMK operates own

Suru Express hotels in West Africa. HMK has special subsidiaries for real

estate (Suru Homes Ltd.) and dedicated financial services (Independent

Prolific Micro Finance Bank Ltd.) to provide a full package -from financing

to sale- to the lower income population in Africa. In addition HMK invests

in real estate and hotels in selected European metropolises.

Please send enquiries to: info@haldanemccallplc.com or

visit our website: www.haldanemccallplc.com

Safe Harbor Statement; The statements contained herein are forward-looking

statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause

actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-

looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the

company's control with respect to market acceptance of new technologies or

products, delays in testing and evaluation of products, and other risks

detailed from time to time.

Ende der Corporate News


04.05.2012 Veröffentlichung einer Corporate News/Finanznachricht,

übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein Unternehmen der EquityStory AG.

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