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DGAP-News: Russia Remains Star European Travel Performer (deutsch)

Veröffentlicht am 04.05.2012, 18:53
Aktualisiert 04.05.2012, 18:56
Russia Remains Star European Travel Performer


04.05.2012 18:53


The Quarter One Report for 2012 From the European Travel Commission Reveals

That Russia 'Remains a Star Performer' Within Its Paper on European Tourism

2012 -- Trends & Prospects

NOTTINGHAM, United Kingdom, 2012-05-04 18:53 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

The report states the economic growth rates in the UK are likely to continue to

be volatile throughout 2012, 'with Q2 likely to see GDP decline because of an

extra bank holiday and Q3 likely to see strong rebound due to the catch-up and

the boost from hosting the Olympic Games.'

So whilst the report is confident 'Travel from the UK remains steady in the

early part of 2012. After a strong performance last year to the largest

destinations, the UK market continues to grow, albeit modestly, to the majority

of destinations' the smart investors should be turning their attention to

Russia where the outbound tourism spend, is forecast to rise by an average 8% a

year until 2016 according to Euromonitor International.

Matthew Goldstein, co-founder of EuraMedia Summit 2012; a conference dedicated

to uniting business entrepreneurs from all over the world with Russian

investors to shape the growth of their future economy, urges innovators and

leaders from the UK travel industry to be part of this exciting opportunity.

'Russia is really the last untapped frontier in terms of online travel.

Oktogo.ru received a 15 million USD boost from investment bank VTB in March to

Ostrovok.ru, a pretty simple hotel booking system, reaped approximately 13

million this year. This is definitely one of the hotter sectors of an already

very hot online retail industry.' He continued, 'A lot of investment is coming

from the US and from Europeans, which are also quickly expanding their existing

travel sites into Russia. Things are moving, now, though, at turbo speed, which

is likely for the best, with the Olympics and World Cup right around the bend.'

From the obvious delegate attendance to sponsorship, free PR and contra deals,

the travel industry shouldn't sit back and let the US and the rest of Europe

take advantage of Russia's growth, EuraMedia could be the answer to future


-- EuraMedia Summit will take place June 13 - June 16 2012 at The Seaport

Hotel and World Trade Center located at 200 Seaport Blvd. in Boston, MA.

For more information contact press@euramedia2012.com

-- The multi faceted summit will ultimately offer attendees access to the

great and good in Russian business. They will hear from top industry

speakers such as Steve Wozniak of Apple Computer Inc, learn from case

studies of existing Western success stories doing business in Russia,

intimately network to create future long term relationships, attend

educational seminars to aid them in future business ventures with Russia

and explore new business leads.

-- A VIP networking opportunity; a black tie awards ceremony and charity event

to be co-hosted by IDEA Media and famed actress Sarah Jessica Parker will

also happen at the Summit. The awards, to be given out by top media

executives as well as celebrities, will focus on the entertainment and

media industries (both traditional and digital) and will honor pioneers

from Russia and the CIS in these fields. The event also will feature an

auction of vintage Soviet and US movie memorabilia and will benefit The

Life Line Charity Fund.

-- Matthew Goldstein, co-founder and principal of IDEA Consulting Inc. is a

graduate of Phillips Academy Andover and a J.William Fulbright Scholar on

Popular Culture and Youth Political Mobilization in the former Soviet


UK Contact

Charley Christopher


News Source: NASDAQ OMX

04.05.2012 Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP -

a company of EquityStory AG.

The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

DGAP's Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,

Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.

Media archive at www.dgap-medientreff.de and www.dgap.de


Language: English


United States





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