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Original-Research: MPH Mittelständische Pharma Holding AG (von GBC AG): BUY

Veröffentlicht am 24.09.2012, 10:07
Original-Research: MPH Mittelständische Pharma Holding AG - von GBC AG

Aktieneinstufung von GBC AG zu MPH Mittelständische Pharma Holding AG

Unternehmen: MPH Mittelständische Pharma Holding AG

ISIN: DE000A0NF697

Anlass der Studie: Research Report (Update)

Empfehlung: BUY

Kursziel: EUR 4.70

Kursziel auf Sicht von: End 2013

Letzte Ratingänderung:

Analyst: Cosmin Filker

Very good half-year figures in 2012; Windsor acquisition accelerates growth

significantly; target price increased

In the present half-year report for 2012, MPH Mittelständische

Pharmaholding AG fully consolidated for the first time the Berlin company

Windsor AG which was acquired in May 2012 (current shareholding: 52%). This

resulted in significant differences in the profit situation as well as in

the asset situation compared to previous reports.

MPH AG assigned the newly joined Windsor subsidiaries to the new Healthcare

segment, in accordance with the new segmentation. At the same time, two new

companies were founded for this segment, Healthcare Solutions GmbH and

Nutri Care GmbH. MPH AG primarily intends to provide consultation services

to pharmacies and physicians, which in our opinion represents a new and

promising sales channel for the already existing business. The existing

main revenue source of MPH AG, HAEMATO PHARM AG, is bundled in the new

Pharma segment.

As before, the main sales contribution came from the subsidiary HAEMATO

PHARM AG also in the last reporting period, with EUR87.03 million (PY:

EUR70.27 million). The sales increase of +23.9% achieved compared to the

previous year fits into the previously high sales dynamics in the field of

Generics and Parallel Imports. Furthermore, the company is profiting from

an attractive market environment characterised by savings efforts in the

healthcare industry. In addition, MPH AG also shows inorganic sales growth.

Due to the consolidation of Windsor AG, now fully assigned to the

Healthcare segment, total sales for the first half of 2012 amounted to

EUR99.30 million. Windsor AG thus contributes sales through the

pharmaceutical subsidiaries and the sale of real estate projects amounting

to EUR12.26 million.

Inorganic sales growth in addition caused a significant increase in

operating earnings. The EBITDA increased in total to EUR11.00 million,

significantly exceeding the previous year's figure of EUR6.53 million by

+68.4%. According to our calculations, the organic EBITDA increased by

+4.1%. The principal part of earnings growth can thus be explained through

inorganic effects, particularly with the sale of real estate projects at

the Windsor level. The already existing business of MPH AG therefore shows

solid margin development while sales continue to develop dynamically.

We have formulated our forecasts for the current and the coming financial

year building on this foundation. On a full-year basis for 2012, we expect

increased sales of EUR200.62 million. This sales expectation corresponds

with our unchanged stand-alone forecasts, in addition to the sales

contribution by Windsor AG. We applied the same procedure also to our sales

forecasts for the coming financial year 2013 (EUR230.71 million). On the

level of operating earnings (EBITDA), we included an improvement in the

EBITDA margin in the calculation, which includes, on the one hand, the

expected higher margin levels of the Pharma companies of Windsor AG and, on

the other hand, possible scale effects. The forecast EBITDA margin for the

coming financial year 2013 of 8.7% (EUR20.02 million) serves our DCF

valuation model as a target value to be reached in the long term.

Within the DCF model, we calculated a fair value per share of EUR4.70 on

the basis of the financial year 2013. The valuation thus shows a strong

upward potential. We therefore confirm the BUY rating and regard MPH

Mittelständische Pharmaholding AG as an attractive investment.

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Kontakt für Rückfragen

Jörg Grunwald



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