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ots.CorporateNews: Audi AG / AUDI AG: 14.9 percent sales growth in August

Veröffentlicht am 10.09.2012, 11:12
Aktualisiert 10.09.2012, 11:16
AUDI AG: 14.9 percent sales growth in August

Ingolstadt (ots) -

- Best August in Audi history with around 108,100 deliveries

- Audi CEO Stadler: 'We want to sell significantly more units of

the new A3 family during its lifecycle'

- Audi sales up 17.5 percent in the United States since January

Audi continues to grow in all regions around the world: Deliveries

in August increased by 14.9 percent on the corresponding prior-year

month to reach some 108,100 automobiles. This means approximately

961,000 customers have chosen Audi since the beginning of the year,

an increase of 12.7 percent. The past month's growth was driven by

strong sales figures for the brand's luxury-class models as well as

for the Audi Q3 and A1 Sportback. Growth for Audi was especially

evident in China (+24.0%), while August was yet another record month

for the brand in the United States as well (+13.0%). Sales figures in

Europe were also up 8.0 percent, despite the difficult conditions in

several markets and the model changeover of the A3. The new

generation of the premium compact car was launched on the first

European markets in late August.

'The A3 is arriving at just the right time, for Europe as well as

for the United States and China. We want to grow significantly in

their premium compact segments with the A3 model family in the coming

years,' says Rupert Stadler, Chairman of the Board of Management of

AUDI AG. 'In total we want to sell considerably more units of the new

A3 family during its lifecycle than we did of its very successful

predecessor' To date, Audi has delivered some 1.877 million cars from

the predecessor generation of the new A3 to customers. Luca de Meo,

who became the Member of the Board of Management of AUDI AG for

Marketing and Sales on September 1, 2012, adds: 'New models such as

the A3 and the updated Q5, which is also being launched at the

moment, will make Audi even stronger in the difficult market

environment currently prevailing in Europe.'

In Europe, AUDI AG increased its sales by 3.6 percent to some

501,900 units between January and August. The premium manufacturer

thus reached the milestone of half a million deliveries on its home

continent after just eight months for the first time. All three of

Audi?s largest European sales markets contributed to this with growth

figures in August: On the German market, the company outperformed

sales for August 2011 by 9.0 percent with 20,180 units and attained a

record market share of 10 percent, thanks in large part to the A1

Sportback, the Q3 and the A6 Avant. In the United Kingdom, where

August is traditionally a low sales month for the entire market, Audi

sales figures were up 14.7 percent and 4,144 automobiles were

delivered. In France, sales were up 13.8 percent to 3,706 units,

confirming Audi's position as the leading premium brand.

While demand in Italy (-3.9% to 2,408 cars) was below that seen in

August 2011, Audi's delivery figures rose significantly in countries

such as Spain (+7.5% to 2,270 cars), Austria (+15.4% to 1,463 cars),

Switzerland (+62.5% to 1,661 cars) and Turkey (+42.3% to 1,198 cars).

Audi once again achieved particularly strong growth in Russia during

the past month: 2,972 premium automobiles delivered to Russian

customers represent an increase of 47.9 percent on August 2011. In

Russia and in many other markets, the Q3 was a key driver of growth

for Audi: Around 52,200 units in total of the compact SUV have

already been sold in Europe this year.

In China, the first customers were presented with the keys for

their Q3. The brand's two other SUV models also helped drive the 24.0

percent increase in sales to 34,800 deliveries for Audi on this

market in the past month. Demand for the Audi Q7 increased by 39.4

percent on August 2011, while delivery statistics for the Q5 reveal a

34.1 percent increase to 7,316 automobiles. The Audi A7 Sportback was

also in strong demand among Chinese customers in August; 1,008 units

of the luxury coupe were delivered to China. In total, Audi delivered

261,548 cars in the company's largest sales market - an increase of

33.1 percent.

Besides China and Russia, the other BRIC markets rose sharply for

Audi in August as well: In India, deliveries increased by 42.4

percent in year-on-year comparison to reach 726, while in Brazil they

rose 9.8 percent to 550. Audi also posted high double-digit growth

rates in South Africa (+35.0% to 1,500 cars) and South Korea (+38.5%

to 1,260 units).

In the United States, the recently launched new generations of the

A4 and the A5 were particularly driving continued growth: 11,527

sales, an increase of 13.0 percent for Audi of America in August.

Sales of the luxury Q7 SUV rose 32.1 percent. Audi's U.S. deliveries

for the first eight months total 88,392 automobiles, equivalent to

growth of 17.5 percent. This upward trend was in large part

attributable to strong sales growth for the A6 Sedan: Audi sold

11,844 units of the vehicle in the United States between January and

August, more than twice as many as in the same prior-year period.

Sales for In August Cumulative total


2012 2011 Change 2012 2011 Change

from 2011 from 2011

World 108,100 94,076 +14.9% 961,000 852,961 +12.7%

Europe 47,800 44,234 +8.0% 501,900 484,705 +3.6%

- Germany 20,180 18,506 +9.0% 178,065 165,020 +7.9%

- UK 4,144 3,613 +14.7% 79,204 75,128 +5.4%

- France 3,706 3,258 +13.8% 41,992 41,500 +1.2%

- Italy 2,408 2,506 -3.9% 34,099 41,023 -16.9%

- Spain 2,270 2,111 +7.5% 27,141 29,844 -9.1%

- Russia 2,972 2,010 +47.9% 22,292 15,800 +41.1%

USA 11,527 10,201 +13.0% 88,392 75,256 +17.5%

Mexico 856 667 +28.3% 5,547 4,842 +14.6%


Pacific 40,500 32,795 +23.4% 308,400 236,500 +30.4%

- China


Hong Kong) 34,800 28,068 +24.0% 261,548 196,534 +33.1%

- India 726 510 +42.4% 5,412 3,655 +48.1%

The Audi Group delivered 1,302,659 cars of the Audi brand to

customers in 2011. In 2011, the Company posted revenue of EUR 44.1

billion and an operating profit of EUR 5.3 billion. Audi produces

vehicles in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm (Germany), Györ (Hungary),

Changchun (China) and Brussels (Belgium). The Audi Q7 is built in

Bratislava (Slovakia). In July 2010, CKD production of the Audi Q5

was added to the existing Audi A4 and A6 manufacturing operations in

Aurangabad (India). At the Brussels plant, production of the Audi A1

has been running since 2010, while production of the new A1 Sportback

began in 2012. The Audi Q3 has been built in Martorell (Spain) since

June 2011. The Company is active in more than 100 markets worldwide.

AUDI AG?s wholly owned subsidiaries include amongst others

AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. (Györ/Hungary), Automobili Lamborghini

S.p.A. (Sant'Agata Bolognese/Italy), AUDI BRUSSELS S.A./N.V.

(Brussels/Belgium), quattro GmbH in Neckarsulm and the sports bike

manufacturer Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A. (Bologna/Italy). Audi

currently employs around 65,000 people worldwide, including around

48,000 in Germany. Between 2012 and 2016 the brand with the four

rings is planning to invest a total of EUR 13 billion - mainly in new

products and the extension of production capacities - in order to

sustain the Company's technological lead embodied in its 'Vorsprung

durch Technik' claim. Audi is currently expanding its site in Györ

(Hungary) and will start production in Foshan (China) in late 2013

and in San José Chiapa (Mexico) in 2016.

Audi has long been fulfilling its social responsibility on many

levels - with the aim of making the future worth living for

generations to come. The basis for Audi's lasting success is

therefore formed by environmental protection, the conservation of

resources, international competitiveness and a forward-looking human

resources policy. One example of AUDI AG's commitment to

environmental issues is the Audi Environmental Foundation. Within the

context of 'Vorsprung durch Technik,' which extends far beyond its

products, the Company is directing its activities toward a major goal

- comprehensive CO2-neutral mobility.

Originaltext: Audi AG

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Corporate Communications

Moritz Drechsel

Press Spokesman for Marketing and Sales

Tel.: +49 841 89-39914

E-mail: moritz.drechsel@audi.de


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