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TR ONE-News: Compagnie Financière Tradition : TRADITION TO LAUNCH traFXpure TRADING PLATFORM FOR SPOT FX

Veröffentlicht am 30.05.2012, 07:32

Compagnie Financière Tradition /

Compagnie Financière Tradition : TRADITION TO LAUNCH traFXpure TRADING PLATFORM


. Verarbeitet und übermittelt durch Thomson Reuters ONE.

Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent verantwortlich.



New initiative, in cooperation with leading global investment banks to deliver

an innovative trading environment for the FX market

Tradition (UK) Ltd, a subsidiary of Compagnie FInancière Tradition SA, today

announced traFXpure. traFXpure will be a new electronic trading platform for

spot FX. traFXpure will provide FX market participants with a low cost,

convenient and equitable venue for sourcing FX liquidity, open to all users on a

fair and equal basis. The platform will utilise Tradition's resilient, flexible,

market-leading proprietary technology.

Key features of traFXpure include:

   ·    Products:  Spot FX in CLS currencies

   ·    Access: Any participant who can settle via CLS

   ·    Cost and convenience:  Standard FIX API.  Low cost and equivalent market

data distributed to the entire market

   ·    Fairness:  Execution logic and uniform and transparent pricing ensures

fair execution for all.  Transparency:  Counterparties fully disclosed post-


Major FX banks already supporting traFXpure include Barclays, BNP Paribas,

Deutsche Bank, Royal Bank of Canada and UBS. Additional banks supporting this

venture are expected to be announced over the next few weeks.

Mike Leibowitz, COO, US and EMEA, Tradition, said: 'The traFXpure platform is

being designed with the support of some of the largest banks in the world. We

look forward to working with these market participants to provide a best-in-

class trading venue for spot FX product.'

Daniel Marcus, Managing Director, Strategy and Business Development, Tradition,

added: 'The traFXpure venture is in line with Tradition's global strategy to

provide electronic execution capability across its entire product range, where

appropriate. The support of such a diverse group of global banks gives us great

confidence in the success of the platform.'

Mike Bagguley, Head of FX and Commodities at Barclays, said 'This initiative is

designed to be easily accessible to all market participants with transparency a

core benefit of the traFXpure platform. Barclays is pleased to be part of such

an initiative which endorses transparency and innovation in the FX spot market-


Zar Amrolia, Global Head of Foreign Exchange at Deutsche Bank, said: 'Deutsche

Bank supports competition, innovation and transparency in the spot FX market.

Reductions in trading costs and the provision of low cost market data will be of

great benefit to our end-user clients. We look forward to supporting traFXpure

as it works to achieve these aims for all market participants.'

Ed Monaghan, Global Head of FX at Royal Bank of Canada, said 'We are

continuously looking for ways to provide our clients with enhanced choice and

execution quality in the FX spot markets. Through traFXpure, our global and

diverse client base will benefit from an execution facility which enhances both

execution quality and fair pricing.'

Chris Vogelgesang, Co-Head of Macro FX and Short End Rates Trading at UBS, said:

'UBS transacts with clients in every sector of the Foreign Exchange market and

is glad to see that traFXpure is intended to ensure a fair playing field for all

users. traFXpure will be easily accessible and transparent for all participants

and is intended to lower the barriers to entry and costs for all.'

With a presence in 27 countries, Compagnie Financière Tradition SA is one of the

world's leading interdealer brokers (IDB). The Group provides broking services

for a complete range of financial products (money market products, bonds,

interest rate, currency and credit derivatives, equities, equity derivatives,

interest rate futures and index futures) and non-financial products (energy and

environmental products, and precious metals).

Compagnie Financière Tradition (CFT) is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange. For

more information on our Group, please visit our website at www.tradition.com.

Lausanne, 30 May 2012

Press contacts:

MHP Communications                                      Rochat & Partners

Andrew Nicolls / John Sarsfield                           Philippe Dunant

Tel.: +44 20 3128 8530                                        Tel. :

+41 22 718 37 42

Email: Tradition@mhpc.com

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Source: Compagnie Financière Tradition via Thomson Reuters ONE



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