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Payden Emerging Markets Corporate Bond Fund Si Class (PYCIX)

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8,920 0,000    0,00%
23/09 - Zeitverzögert. Währung in USD ( Haftungsausschluss )
Typ:  Fonds
Markt:  USA
Emittent:  Paydenfunds
Anlageklasse:  Anleihe
  • Morningstar Rating:
  • Aktiva (gesamt): 69,24M
Payden Emerging Markets Corporate Bond Fund SI Cla 8,920 0,000 0,00%

PYCIX Übersicht

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Emerging Markets Bond

Aktiva (gesamt)







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United States
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Name Titel Seit Bis
Arthur Hovsepian Director 2020 Aktuell
Biografie Arthur Hovsepian, CFA, is a Principal and portfolio manager at Payden & Rygel. He is responsible for implementing investment strategies and executing trades in emerging markets. Arthur analyzes sovereign yield curves to identify relative value opportunities. He also monitors firm-wide emerging-market local debt and currency exposure. Arthur has been with Payden since 2004.
Alfred Giles Senior Vice President 2020 Aktuell
Biografie Alfred Giles, CFA, a Senior Vice President and portfolio manager. Mr. Giles has been with Payden since 2013 and with the investment management business since 2005.
Zubin Kapadia Senior Vice President 2020 Aktuell
Kristin Ceva managing Principal, Director 2013 Aktuell
Biografie Kristin Ceva, PhD, CFA, is a managing principal and directs the global fixed-income group at Payden & Rygel. She oversees global sovereign debt strategies, including macroeconomic and political risk assessment to determine country allocation. Ceva is a member of the firm’s Investment Policy Committee. She also is a frequent speaker at industry forums, focusing on topics related to international investing and emerging markets. Prior to joining Payden & Rygel, Ceva worked with a number of international policy institutes, including the Pacific Council on International Policy, the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies and the North America Forum at Stanford University. She also worked for several years in strategic management consulting with Deloitte & Touche in Dallas. Kristin Ceva holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. She earned a PhD from Stanford University in Political Science with an emphasis on international political economy. She was a Fulbright Scholar based in Mexico City and her dissertation was entitled “Economic Restructuring and Business-Government Relations: Trade and Financial Liberalization in Mexico.” Ceva has completed extensive economic and political research on emerging markets and is fluent in Spanish. She received a BBA in Finance from Texas A&M University.
James T. Wong Managing Principal 2020 2023
Biografie James Wong, CFA, is a Managing Principal and portfolio manager who has been with Payden & Rygel since 1995. He has worked with the two products since their inception. Wong has over 15 years of equity portfolio management experience, during which he has managed the breadth of equity styles and market capitalizations. He has extensive experience managing long/short portfolios, creating hedging strategies using derivatives and developing customized investment solutions for client specific needs. Wong is also a member of the Investment Policy Committee. Prior to joining Payden & Rygel, Wong was a trader at the Union Bank of Switzerland where he focused on mortgage-backed securities. Previously, he was in the mergers and acquisitions group at Salomon Brothers Inc., focusing on financial institutions. Wong holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and the FINRA series 7, 3 and 63 licenses. He earned an MBA degree from The Anderson School at the University of California, Los Angeles with an emphasis in finance. Wong received a BS degree in Finance from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
Brian W. Matthews Member 2020 2022
Biografie Brian Matthews, CFA, is a managing principal and the chief financial officer at Payden & Rygel, and is a member of the Executive Committee of the board of directors. Matthews is a member of the firm’s Investment Policy Committee and serves as a senior portfolio manager advising institutional clients, including corporations, pension funds, insurance companies and foundations and endowments. He is a director of Metzler/Payden LLC, the firm’s joint venture with Metzler Bank of Frankfurt, Germany. Matthews is also co-chairman of Payden/Kravitz LLC, a joint venture specializing in cash balance retirement plans. Prior to joining Payden & Rygel, Matthews was an investment officer at Brown Brothers Harriman & Company in New York, where he was responsible for managing fixed-income portfolios and asset/liability management. Matthews is a member of the CFA Society of Los Angeles, the CFA Institute and the Investment Counsel Association of America, Inc. He is past chairman of the board of directors for the Boy Scouts of America Los Angeles Area Council and serves on the board of directors for Oaks Christian School, St. Anne’s, Kids in Sports, and the board of visitors for Pepperdine University and is a board member of the Patron of the Arts in the Vatican Museums. Brian Matthews holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. He earned a BS in Economics at the University of Notre Dame.
Darren Capeloto Vice President 2017 2020
Biografie Darren Capeloto, a Vice President and portfolio manager of Payden & Ryge, deal with portfolio construction, broad security selection and risk assessment. Mr. Capeloto has been with Payden since 2001
Vladimir Milev Portfolio Manager 2013 2020
Biografie Vladimir Milev, Senior Vice President and portfolio manager of Payden & Rygel. Mr. Milev has been with Payden and in the investment management business since 2003.
Natalie Trevithick Director 2013 2017
Biografie Natalie Trevithick, a Senior Vice President and portfolio manager of Payden & Rygel. Natalie has been with Payden since 2012
Arthur Hovsepian Director 2013 2015
Biografie Arthur Hovsepian, CFA, is a Principal and portfolio manager at Payden & Rygel. He is responsible for implementing investment strategies and executing trades in emerging markets. Arthur analyzes sovereign yield curves to identify relative value opportunities. He also monitors firm-wide emerging-market local debt and currency exposure. Arthur has been with Payden since 2004.

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