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DGAP-News: Florida Maritime Attorney Calls for Costa Concordia Owner Carnival Corp. to Set Up 'BP-Style' Victim's Claim Fund (deutsch)

Veröffentlicht am 24.01.2012, 23:22
Florida Maritime Attorney Calls for Costa Concordia Owner Carnival Corp. to Set Up 'BP-Style' Victim's Claim Fund

David W. Singer and Associates, PA.

24.01.2012 23:22


David Singer Calls for a Billion Dollar Fund to Protect Victim's Rights, Claims

HOLLYWOOD, Fla., 2012-01-24 23:22 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

Carnival Corp., the parent of Costa Cruises, whose captain sailed its Costa

Concordia into a reef - capsizing the ship, killing at least 15 passengers and

injuring others - should establish a billion dollar victim's fund to ensure its

passengers are duly compensated for their pain, suffering and losses. 'The move

is especially important given the difficult and complicated jurisdictional maze

Americans and foreign nationals alike face in making claims for this tragedy.

At present, the Costa Concordia victims are relegated, thanks to the small

print in their ticket, to Italian courts and to limited damages,' said David W.

Singer, a Hollywood, Fla., attorney focusing on maritime and cruise injury


'It's beyond burdensome and unfair for a billion dollar cruise line that

markets to the world to force claimants to litigate exclusively in Italian

courts. The 'choice of forum' selected by these multinational corporations

stack the odds against passengers,' Singer said. 'I take Carnival Chairman

Micky Arison at his word when he says, 'I give my personal assurance that we

will take care of each and every one of our guests, crew and their families

affected by this tragic event.' This is why it would be prudent and just for

Carnival Corp. to establish a fund to compensate the passengers harmed on its

ship, monitored by an independent panel of preeminent experts.'

The program Singer is suggesting would be modeled on the $20 billion fund

established by British Petroleum following the 2011 Gulf oil spill. The money

has been used to compensate families and businesses harmed or devastated by the

spill. Similarly, Costa is facing lawsuits and hundreds of millions of dollars

in compensation, by some estimates. 'I maintain the fund models a legitimate

response to this tragic situation,' Singer said.

'This is a significant issue faced by millions of cruise ship passengers every

year, but never really considered until a tragedy occurs,' Singer explained.

'You can only hide behind a 'choice of forum' clause in a passenger document's

fine print for so long before the moral and true legal obligation becomes

clear. People will need compensation. Carnival Corp. must do the right thing.'

Serving the legal community for more than 32 years, attorney David W. Singer is

the managing partner of David W. Singer & Associates, P.A., one of South

Florida's largest personal injury and wrongful death law firms.


Caren Berg of Boardroom Communications


Attorney David W. Singer




News Source: NASDAQ OMX

24.01.2012 Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP -

a company of EquityStory AG.

The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

DGAP's Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,

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Media archive at www.dgap-medientreff.de and www.dgap.de


Language: English

Company: David W. Singer and Associates, PA.

United States





ISIN: US9901875024


End of Announcement DGAP News-Service


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