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DGAP-News: MPH Mittelständische Pharma Holding AG: MPH acquires 52 % of the share capital of Windsor AG (deutsch)

Veröffentlicht am 09.05.2012, 10:32
Aktualisiert 09.05.2012, 10:36
MPH Mittelständische Pharma Holding AG: MPH acquires 52 % of the share capital of Windsor AG

DGAP-News: MPH Mittelständische Pharma Holding AG / Key word(s):

Acquisition/Capital Increase

MPH Mittelständische Pharma Holding AG: MPH acquires 52 % of the share

capital of Windsor AG

09.05.2012 / 10:32


Corporate News of the MPH Mittelständische Pharma Holding AG about the

purchase of roughly 52% of the capital of the company WINDSOR AG

MPH Mittelständische Pharma Holding AG:

The company MPH AG announces the purchase of roughly 52% of the equity

capital of the company WINDSOR AG, Berlin.

Berlin, May 9, 2012.

The company MPH Mittelständische Pharma Holding AG, Berlin (ISIN:

DE000A0NF697), announces the purchase of roughly 52% of the equity capital

of the company WINDSOR AG, Berlin (ISIN: DE0006190705). Roughly 2.2 mill.

WINDSOR shares were purchased at the stock exchange or at market prices. A

further 5 mill. WINDSOR shares were purchased through an increase in

capital at the company MPH Mittelständische Pharma Holding AG. The increase

in capital registered on May 7, 2012, at the Commercial Registry

Berlin-Charlottenburg against an in kind capital contribution from EUR

38,050,000 of EUR 3,117,155 to EUR 41,167,155 from authorized capital

through the emission of 3,117,155 new ordinary bearer shares, was

completely subscribed by the company MAGNUM AG, Schönefeld.

Through the integration of the pharmaceutical activities of the company

WINDSOR AG the MPH-Group obtains access to additional business areas, which

are active in other pharmaceutical value creation phases. The development

of these further activities is of strategic interest.

About the company MPH Mittelständische Pharma Holding AG:

The Berlin company MPH Mittelständische Pharma Holding AG has strategically

concentrated its activities on growth segments in the pharmaceutical

market. With pharmaceutical products based on patent-free and

patent-protected active substances, which are made available through the

MPH-Group in the therapeutic areas oncology, HIV, rheumatology, neurology

and cardiovascular diseases, the corporate group contributes towards cost

reduction in the healthcare sector.

The company MPH Mittelständische Pharma Holding AG is listed in the Entry

Standard (Open Market) of the Frankfurt stock exchange.

Details about shares of MPH Mittelständische Pharma Holding AG:

Share capital: EUR 38,050,000

Quoted shares: bearer preference shares

Number of circulating preferred shares: 19,025,000

ISIN: DE000A0NF697


Ticker symbol: 93MV


MPH Mittelständische Pharma Holding AG

Patricia Blechinger

Hubertusallee 73

D-14193 Berlin


Tel: +49 (0)30 897308660

About the company WINDSOR AG:

The company WINDSOR AG, founded in 1993 is an Entry Standard (Open Market)

listed holding company with registered office in Berlin.

The equity holdings of the company WINDSOR AG are active in the

pharmaceutical and real estate areas.

End of Corporate News


09.05.2012 Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - a

company of EquityStory AG.

The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

DGAP's Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,

Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.

Media archive at www.dgap-medientreff.de and www.dgap.de


168852 09.05.2012

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