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DGAP-News: Silvia Quandt & Cie. AG, Merchant & Investment Banking: In-between the lines - Bernhard Eschweiler (deutsch)

Veröffentlicht am 13.01.2012, 07:34
Silvia Quandt & Cie. AG, Merchant & Investment Banking: In-between the lines - Bernhard Eschweiler

DGAP-News: Silvia Quandt & Cie. AG, Merchant & Investment Banking /

Schlagwort(e): Sonstiges/Sonstiges

Silvia Quandt & Cie. AG, Merchant & Investment Banking: In-between the

lines - Bernhard Eschweiler

13.01.2012 / 07:34


- Euro debt crisis overshadows start into 2012 but something has changed

- Global growth and monetary policy conditions have improved

- Falling Euro-area inflation to give ECB room for more rate cuts

Financial markets started the New Year the same way they finished the Old

Year. The Euro-area debt crisis continues to dominate market sentiment.

Nevertheless, a few things have changed.

- First, political leaders, foremost Germany's Angela Merkel, no longer

let themselves be pushed by markets. They are comfortable that the

Euro system is not about to collapse and use the time to push for more

fiscal and structural reforms. Latest bond auctions show a positive

market response.

- Second, global leading indicators have improved toward year end.

Global business confidence is moving back into expansion mode, led by

the US. The Euro area remains the weak link, but is no longer in a

free fall.

- Third, monetary policy makers are doing more for growth. Most

prominent have been the rate cuts and liquidity injections by the ECB

at the end of last year. The ECB is now taking a break to watch the

impact, but will probably do more toward spring. The US Fed, although

under less pressure, is making sure that interest rate expectations

will stay low for a long time. In emerging markets, China is leading

the easing cycle. A second cut in reserve requirements is likely to

follow soon and new loans are already showing signs of revival.

To be sure, uncertainties will remain high. Tensions are likely to

increase as troubled Euro-area sovereigns try to refinance record sums of

maturing debt in the first quarter, while banks are struggling to find new

capital. Nevertheless, we feel encouraged by the policy and global

cyclical changes. Especially Germany should do better in this environment,

which is why we are sticking to our 1.5% growth forecast for 2012.

Domestic slack to push Euro-area inflation down

A key justification for the ECB rate cuts and liquidity injections late

last year is the view that the economic downturn in the Euro zone will have

disinflationary implications. The argument makes economic sense and shows

that the ECB under President Draghi has learned something from the

Bundesbank. Nevertheless, that forecast needs to turn into reality. If

not, the ECB will lose credibility, which would reduce its flexibility to

set policy on forward-looking growth and inflation projections.

Inflation is a lagging indicator. Nevertheless, with headline inflation

well above the target level, the ECB must have a lot of confidence in its

forecast. Thus, the decline in headline inflation to 2.8% in December from

3% in November was welcome news. Still, it is some way for inflation to

drop to the 2% target in 2012 and even below the target in 2013 as the ECB

central forecast implies. Favorable base effects - large price increases

early last year dropping out of the over-a-year-ago rate - will push

headline inflation further down in coming months.

The ECB expects external price pressures, especially from commodity

markets, to ease this year and help bring inflation lower. Indeed, global

inflation conditions have improved significantly, especially in emerging

markets, such as China. In our judgment, global inflation will drop from

around 5% in 2011 to below 4% in 2012. However, we are less optimistic

that commodity prices will soften much. Already, oil prices are responding

to signs of stronger economic activity. Especially a pick-up in China will

accelerate this trend.

Instead, we expect that the main contribution to disinflation in the Euro

zone will come from the slack in the domestic economy. Depending on the

estimates, Euro-area output is between 2% and 4% below potential. This is

also reflected in well below normal capacity utilization rates. Add to

this the prospect of further weakness and it becomes clear that economic

slack will increase. This is visible in unemployment and starts to

translate in falling unit labor cost, which will be the main source of


Finally, there is no risk for inflation from monetary developments despite

the massive expansion of the ECB balance sheet. Money supply growth eased

again toward year end and is close to previous lows. The same is true for

credit to companies and private households. The sluggish development of

monetary aggregates shows that the main task remains avoiding deflation and

not fighting inflation.

From the perfect storm to crosswinds

After a sequence of negative news that became a perfect storm in mid 2011,

financial markets are likely to be pushed between two opposing forces this

year. In our judgment, the Euro will not break, but the uncertainty over

its future will remain elevated through at least the first half of this

year. On the other hand, signs of further improvements in global economic

activity accompanied by

super easy monetary policy conditions in the major OECD economies and many

emerging markets will not pass financial markets unnoticed. The result

could be less synchronization between different financial markets. The US

is likely to do best, followed by some emerging markets, while the Euro

area is set to be held back. Within the Euro area, Germany has the chance

to outperform as it is fundamentally strongest and best positioned to

benefit from the positive global economic and policy developments. Besides

the Euro area slipping into bigger turmoil, the main risks are: fiscal

policy confusion in the US in the run-up to the presidential election,

slippage in one of the major emerging markets - China, India or Brazil -

and geopolitical tensions, possibly triggered by Iran, Syria or North



This analysis was prepared by Bernhard Eschweiler, Senior Economic Advisor,

and was first published 13 January 2012, Silvia Quandt Research GmbH,

Grüneburgweg 18, 60322 Frankfurt is responsible for its preparation. German

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Buys: 105 35

Neutral: 37 6

Avoid: 9 0

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Frankfurt am Main, 12.01.2012

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