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DGAP-News: SMARTRAC Reports First Quarter 2012 Results (deutsch)

Veröffentlicht am 10.05.2012, 07:31
Aktualisiert 10.05.2012, 07:32
SMARTRAC Reports First Quarter 2012 Results

DGAP-News: SMARTRAC N.V. / Schlagwort(e): Quartalsergebnis

SMARTRAC Reports First Quarter 2012 Results

10.05.2012 / 07:30


SMARTRAC Reports First Quarter 2012 Results

- Sales Q1-2012: EUR 51 million, representing an increase of 4 percent on

the EUR 49 million generated in Q1-2011

- EBITDA Q1-2012: EUR 3 million compared to EUR 5 million in Q1-2011

- Outlook 2012: Management confirms target to increase Group sales to

some EUR 250 million in 2012, adverse effects of the flood in Thailand

on profitability expected to be overcome in the second half of 2012

- Dr. Christian Fischer, CEO: 'We have the best basis and prospects to

overcome the effects of the flood in Thailand, continue our growth and

create value for our stakeholders.'

Amsterdam, May 10, 2012 - SMARTRAC N.V., the leading developer,

manufacturer and supplier of RFID transponders and inlays, today announces

financial figures for the first quarter of 2012. SMARTRAC started positive

into the year despite the ongoing burden from the flood disaster in

Thailand and increased its revenues in the first three months of 2012.

Total sales increased by 4 percent from EUR 49 million in Q1-2011 to EUR 51

million in Q1-2012. Increase in revenues resulted from the favorable

business development in the Company's Industry Segment with strong growth

originating from the tickets & labels business.

EBITDA decreased from EUR 5 million in the first three months 2011 to EUR 3

million in the first three months 2012. Profit for the period increased

from EUR 0.6 million in the first quarter 2011 to EUR 1 million in the

first quarter 2012. The increase in profit mainly results from first

insurance payments related to the flood in Thailand.

SMARTRAC Financial Figures at a Glance:


Key Data

In thousands of Consolidated 3 Consolidated 3 Change

EUR months ended 31 months ended 31 in %

March 2012 March 2011

Consolidated income


Revenues 50,674 48,962 3.5

EBITDA 2,657 5,216 (49.1)

Profit for the period 951 568 67.4

Financial position and


Net cash provided by / 5,750 (961) 698.3

(used in) operating


Working capital 38,718 48,997 (21.0)

Capital expenditure 11,257 4,305 161.5

Total Assets 317,584 245,510 29.4

Operating figures

Basic earnings per share 0.05 0.03 66.7


Operating cash flow per 0.32 (0.06) 633.3

share (EUR)

Equity ratio (%) 51.1 65.6 (22.1)

Headcount (at month's 4,046 3,555 13.8



Group Revenues

The SMARTRAC Group generated revenues of EUR 51 million in the first

quarter of 2012, representing an increase of 4 percent from the previous

year's figure of EUR 49 million.

Revenue in SMARTRAC's Security Segment (Business Units Cards and eID)

amounted to EUR 31 million in the first three months of 2012, which is

equivalent to a decrease of 17 percent compared to sales of EUR 37 million

in the same period of the previous year. The decrease is still a result of

the ongoing effects of the flood disaster in Thailand in the fourth quarter

of 2011. In Q1-2012 the Security Segment accounted for 61 percent of total

Group revenue compared to 76 percent a year ago.

Revenue in the Industry Segment (Business Units Industry & Logistics and

Tickets & Labels) increased by 69 percent in the first three months of 2012

to EUR 20 million compared to EUR 12 million in 2011. This increase was

mainly attributable to the favorable development of the Company's tickets &

labels business. The Q1-2012 sales of the Industry Segment represented a 38

percent share of the overall sales of the company compared to 24 percent a

year ago.


The Group EBITDA from January to March decreased from EUR 5 million in 2011

to EUR 3 million in 2012. The EBITDA margin for the period under review

accounted for 5 percent compared to 11 percent a year ago. This decrease is

mainly attributable to the missing profitability contribution from the

production facilities in Thailand in the first quarter of 2012 due to the

ongoing consequences of the flood as compared with the first three months

of 2011.

The Security Segment reached an EBITDA of EUR 2 million in 2012 compared

with EBITDA of EUR 5 million a year ago.

The Industry Segment reported an EBITDA of EUR 1.4 million in the first

quarter of 2012 compared with an EBITDA of EUR 0.6 million in the same

period of 2011.

Profit for the period

Profit for the first quarter increased by 67 percent from EUR 0.6 million

in 2011 to EUR 1 million in 2012. The increase in profit is mainly

attributable to first insurance payments related to the flood in Thailand.

Financial Position

Total assets amounted to EUR 318 million as of March 31, 2012, compared

with EUR 264 million at year-end 2011. The increase in total assets was

predominantly related to the inclusion of the assets and liabilities of UPM

RFID as well as investments into property, plant and equipment in the first

quarter of 2012. Cash and cash equivalents increased by 25 percent from EUR

22 million to EUR 28 million, which is mainly attributable to cash flow

provided by operating activities as well as first insurance payments

related to the flood in Thailand.

The Q1-2012 consolidated interim balance sheet showed equity of EUR 162

million compared with EUR 139 million as of December 31, 2011. The increase

mainly results from the proceeds from the capital increase conducted on

March 31, 2012 in order to finance the UPM RFID business. The equity ratio

subsequently decreased from 53 percent at year-end 2011 to 51 percent as of

March 31, 2012.

Cash provided by operating activities amounted to EUR 7 million in the

first three months of 2012, as compared with EUR 0.3 million cash used in

operating activities in the same period of the previous year. Taking into

account interest payments and receipts as well as payments and repayments

for income taxes, the net cash provided by operating activities in the

first three months of 2012 amounted to EUR 6 million compared with net cash

used in operating activities of EUR 1 million in 2011.

Net cash used in investing activities amounted to EUR 7 million as of March

31, 2012, compared with net cash of EUR 6 million used in the same period

of 2011. Higher investments in property, plant and equipment in 2012 were

counterbalanced by the net cash inflow of EUR 5 million resulting from the

acquisition of the UPM RFID business as of March 31, 2012.

Business Outlook

Based on the momentum from the acquisitions, the growth potential of the

global RFID industry and the Company's strong market position, SMARTRAC

confirms its target to increase Group sales to some EUR 250 million in

2012. In terms of profitability, the SMARTRAC Management will work hard to

move on from the adverse effects of the flood disaster in Thailand and to

achieve Group EBITDA margins which come close to past levels in the second

half of 2012.

'We started the year with the positive momentum from the acquisitions and

the burden from the flood disaster in Thailand. We are, however, confident

that we will overcome the latter and derive value and growth from the

integration of new business activities,' said Dr. Christian Fischer.

'Today, we are in an even stronger position to offer our customers the best

product portfolio, the best service, highest quality, innovation, and best

value. With these strengths, our dedicated team and the underlying growth

perspectives of the industry, we have the best prospects to deliver on our

targets and create value for all of our stakeholders.'

The SMARTRAC Q1-2012 Interim Report has been published today and is

available for download on the company's website at www.smartrac-group.com.


SMARTRAC is the leading developer, manufacturer, and supplier of RFID and

NFC transponders and inlays. The company produces ready-made and customized

transponders and inlays used in access control, animal identification,

automated fare collection, border control, RFID-based car immobilizers,

electronic product identification, industry, libraries and media

management, laundry, logistics, mobile & smart media, public transport,

retail, and many more.

SMARTRAC was founded in 2000, went public in July 2006, and trades as a

stock corporation under Dutch law with its registered headquarters in

Amsterdam. The company currently employs about 4,000 employees and

maintains a global research and development, production, and sales network.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Tanja Moehler

Head of Corporate Communications & Marketing


Phone: +31 20 30 50 157

Email: tanja.moehler@smartrac-group.com

Internet: www.smartrac-group.com

Twitter: www.twitter.com/SMARTRAC_NV

Forward-looking statements:

To the extent that this press release contains forward-looking statements,

such statements are based on assumptions, planning and forecasts at the

time of publication of this press release. Forward-looking statements

always involve uncertainties. Business and economic risks and developments,

the conduct of competitors, political decisions and other factors may cause

the actual results to be materially different from the assumptions,

planning and forecasts at the time of publication of this press release.

Therefore, SMARTRAC N.V. does not assume any responsibility relating to

forward-looking statements contained in this press release. Furthermore,

SMARTRAC N.V. does not assume any obligation to update the forward-looking

statements contained in this press release.

Ende der Corporate News


10.05.2012 Veröffentlichung einer Corporate News/Finanznachricht,

übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein Unternehmen der EquityStory AG.

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Sprache: Deutsch

Unternehmen: SMARTRAC N.V.

Strawinskylaan 851

1077 XX Amsterdam


Telefon: +31 20 30 50 157

Fax: +31 20 30 50 155

E-Mail: investor.relations@smartrac-group.com

Internet: www.smartrac-group.com

ISIN: NL0000186633


Börsen: Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard);

Freiverkehr in Berlin, Düsseldorf, München, Stuttgart

Ende der Mitteilung DGAP News-Service


169046 10.05.2012

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