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DGAP-News: OJSC Bashkirenergo: Bashkirenergo publishes its financial results for FY 2011 (deutsch)

Veröffentlicht am 24.04.2012, 10:30
OJSC Bashkirenergo: Bashkirenergo publishes its financial results for FY 2011

EquityStory.RS, LLC-News: OJSC Bashkirenergo / Key word(s): Final


OJSC Bashkirenergo: Bashkirenergo publishes its financial results for

FY 2011

24.04.2012 / 10:30


Bashkirenergo publishes its financial results for FY 2011

April 23, 2012, Ufa (Russian Federation, Republic of Bashkortostan) - OJSC

'Bashkirenergo' (MICEX, RTS: BEGY, ISIN: RU0009044242) - publishes audited

consolidated financial statements for FY2011 prepared in accordance with


OJSC 'Bashkirenergo' managed to improve its results of 2010: net profit

from continuing operations reached 3,409 thsd RUR and accounting results

from alienation of retail company - 7,949 mln. RUR.

On September 12, 2011 a deal was struck between JSC 'RusHydro' and OJSC

'Bashkirenergo' to sell LLC 'Energeticheskaya Sbytovaya Kompaniya

Bashkortostana' (LLC ESKB) to LLC ESK RusHydro (a subsidiary of JSC


For the purpose to present comparable indicators in accordance with the

rules of reporting all indicators of 2010 were corrected taking into

account sale of LLC ESKB.


- The Company's revenue for 2011 declined by 10.5% to 56,261

mln RUR (1,747 mln USD) versus the same period of 2010.

Revenue for the fourth quarter of 2011 grew by 32.4% and

amounted to 15,313 mln RUR (476 mln. USD).

- Operating profit increased by 9% Y-o-Y reaching 4,386 mln RUR (136 mln

USD). Operational profit for the Q4 2011 dropped by 82.8% compared to

the same period of the previous year to 148 mln RUR (4.6 mln USD).

- OIBDA after 12 months of 2011 was 7,908 mln RUR (246 mln USD) or 4.53%

higher comparing with the same period last year. The same indicator for

the fourth quarter of 2011 was 1,020 mln RUB (32 mln USD), reduced by

41.68% Y-o-Y.

- Net profit for 2011 including result from sale of LLC 'ESKB' amounted

to 7,949 mln RUR (247 mln USD), up 185 % in comparison with 2012.

- Net profit from continuing operations of 2011 increased by 25% to 3,409

mln RUR (106 mln USD) compared to 2010 results. In Q4 of 2011 net

profit from continuing operations reduced by 64% versus similar

indicator of the previous year and amounted to 167 mln RUR (5 mln.


- OIBDA margin for 12 months increased from 12% in 2010 to 14% this year.

- As at December 31, 2011 the Company's financial debt amounted to 2,268

mln RUR (70.4 mln USD), with debt/OIBDA ratio at the level of 0.29.


- OJSC 'Bashkirenergo' total power generation in 2011 was 22 779 mln kWh,

gaining 0.7% Y-o-Y.

- The capacity factor of OJSC 'Bashkirenergo' power stations remained at

a level of 61%.

- Heat output of the Company amounted to 25,118 thousand Gcal gaining 4 %

over the results of 2010.

- In 2011 the specific consumption of equivalent fuel decreased by 3

g/kWh for electricity generation to 320 g/kWh, and by 1.4 kg/Gcal for

heat output to 143 kg/Gcal compared to the previous year.

- The transmitted electricity losses in 2011 increased from 1.44% to

1.48% in the transmission grid, with distribution grid losses

increasing from 8.82% to 9.13%.

Andrey Makarov, CEO of OJSC 'Bashkirenergo' commented the results 2011:

«A share of OJSC 'Bashkirenergo' in total Russian power output reached

2.19% in 2011, in UPS Urals it was 8.9%. During the last year power

generation was extended by 0.7% to 22 779 mln kWh . The year results

demonstrated that the Company remains competitive in second pricing zone

Urals with traditional excess of generating capacity. We consider the

growth of the heat output by 4.1% Y-o-Y as exceptionally positive on the

background of complicated situation in the heat generation sector,

underfunding from the side of owners of regional thermal grids and

established low tariffs. Despite negative impact of heat sector on

holding's total results we managed to improve indicators in comparison with

2010. The Company's net profit significantly exceeded target indicator and

reached 7,949 mln. RUR. Sale of power supply asset executed in September

had a material impact on financial results of the Company. We have started

the process of Company's reorganization for the purpose to comply with the

Russian legislation and sale of LLC 'ESKB' became the first step in this



The FY 2011 power generation increased by 0.7% to 22,779.34 mln kWh. The

heat output of OJSC 'Baskirenergo' grew 4.1% to 25 118 thousand Gcal in


A decrease in specific consumption of equivalent fuel for electricity

generation (-3 g/kWh) and heat output (-1.4 kg/Gcal) compared to 2010

substantially contributed to a positive financial results of OJSC

'Bashkirenergo'. The biggest impact on fuel consumption rate was made by

the implemented energy saving and energy efficiency programs, including the

redistribution of heating load.

Key Financial Performance Indicators, in mln RUR



2011 2010 Change %

Revenue 56 261 62 852 -10%

Operating expenses (51 875) (58 832) -12%

Operating Profit 4 386 4 020 9%

Profit before income tax 4 447 3 981 12%

Income tax expenses (1 038) (1 262) -18%

Profit/(losses) from continuing operations 3 409 2 719 25%

Profit from discontinued operations 4 540 72 6 205%

Profit/(losses) for the period 7 949 2 791 185%

OIBDA 7 908 7 468 4,5%

OIBDA margin 14% 12% 2 ..

EBIT margin 6% 8% 2 ..

Net margin 6% 4% 2 ..


Key Operating Results


Indicator 2011 2010 Change %

Installed electric capacity, MW (average) 4 296 4 248 1,1%

Installed electric capacity, MW (average) 13 13 -1,7%

035 280

Electricity generation, mln kWh 22 22 0,7%

779 612

Heat output, thousand Gcal 25 24 4,1%

118 128

Electric capacity factor, % 61 61 0%

Specific consumption of equivalent fuel for 320 323 -1%

electricity generation, g/kWh

Specific consumption of equivalent fuel for heat 143,2 144,6 -1,4%

output, kg/Gcal

Distribution grid losses, % 9,13% 8,82% 0,31


Transmission grid losses, % 1,48% 1,44% 0,04




The company's revenue declined by 10% comparing with the 2010 year result

to 56 261 mln RUR. Power and capacity comprising the largest share in

revenue structure (72% of revenue) reduced by 15% to 40 353 mln RUR. At the

same time operating expenses declined greater than revenue by 12% to 51 875

mln RUR.

Revenue reduction is a result of reclassification of all operations of LLC

ESKB into the separate line 'Profit from the discontinued operations'.

Considering the fact that before January 1, 2011 OJSC 'Bashkirenergo' had

the status of the guaranteeing provider (retail company) with LLC ESKB

acting only as an agent, its deconsolidation had the most impact on revenue

and operational expenses for 2010 and 2011.


The decision to sell the retail company mostly impacted the amount of

purchased electricity which decreased in 2011 by 79% versus 2010 result to

3 304 mln RUR (103 mln USD).

Fuel costs 2011 representing 52% of total operating expenses increased 12%

and amounted 26,877 mln RUR (835 mln USD) and were driven by a 15% gas

price indexation, as well as by a 4% rise in heat output, 0.3% rise of

power output by thermal power plants. The slower growth pace of fuel costs

compared to gas price hike is explained by the reduction in specific

consumption of equivalent fuel.

Fixed costs which represent 36% of total operating expenses declined in

2011 by % amounted to 18,506 mln RUR.

Staff costs being the largest item of fixed costs (17% of total operating

expenses) rose by 4% against 2010 to 8,737 mln RUR (271 mln USD).

Repairs and maintenance together with costs of materials and spare parts

(7% of operating expenses) were cut down 29% in 2011 compared to 2010 and

comprised 3,314 mln RUR mostly due to a 48% cut in expenditure on material

and spare parts.

Other operating expenses declined by 9% to 833 mln RUR (26 mln USD).


As of the balance sheet date, the total assets of OJSC 'Bashkirenergo'

amounted to 65,033 mln RUR (2,019 mln USD) increasing by 13% from the

beginning of the year.

The share of non-current assets was 83% of total assets and amounted 53,769

mln RUR (1,670 mln USD), while the share of current assets was 17% or

11,264 mln RUR (350 mln USD). In 2011 non-current assets increased by 4% as

a result of 10% increase in property, plant and equipment due to new

commissioning and increase of construction in-progress. The disposal of LLC

ESKB lead to increase of current assets by 78% due to 4 time increase of

cash and equivalents to 2 953 mln RUR and deposits to 2,006 mln RUR.

The 33% growth of trade and other receivables was mainly driven by growth

of receivables for heating of housing and community facilities.

Capital and reserves as of December 31, 2011 made up 86% of the total

equity and liabilities amounting to 55,713 mln RUR (1,668 mln USD). Upon

the disposal of the retail company loans and borrowings became the largest

liability (2,265 mln RUR or 70 mln USD), along with trade and other

payables (2,312 mln RUR of 72 mln USD) and other tax payables (1,044 mln

RUR or 32 mln USD) comprising 24%, 25% and 2% of capital and liabilities


The free cash flow grew 88% to 6,553 mln RUR (204 mln USD) mostly due to

5,7 bln RUR (179 mln USD) of cash received from the disposal of a



Investment program of 2011 made up 6,029 mln RUR (184 mln USD) increasing

by 93% compared to the previous year. The growth of CAPEX was conditioned

by the decision of the Board of Directors on renewal of construction of

CCGT CHP plant-5 dated April 29, 2011. Construction of CCGT-60 unit at CHP

plant-2 of Ufa and GTPP-16PA with waste-heat boiler at Zauralskaya CHP

plant were the other key projects of generating capacities construction in



On March 26, 2012 the Board of Directors of OJSC 'Bashkirenergo' had a

meeting where the main terms and conditions of Company's reorganization

were accepted for further approval at the extraordinary General meeting of

shareholders which will take place on June 20, 2012.

The proposed reorganization of OJSC 'Bashkirenergo' is to be conducted in

the form of a spin-off resulting in the establishment of two companies:

generating company called Open Joint-Stock Company 'Bashenergoactiv' (JSC

Bashenergoactiv) which will obtain the shares of LLC 'Bashkir Generation

Company', LLC 'Bashkir Heat Distribution Grid', and LLC 'CCGT CHPP-5', and

power grid company called Joint Stock Company «Bashkirian Power Grid

Company» (JSC 'BPGC').

Simultaneously with the spin-off JSC Bashenergoactiv is to be merged with

Open Joint Stock Company 'INTER RAO UES' (JSC 'INTER RAO UES').

Subsequently ordinary and type A preference shares of JSC 'Bashenergoactiv'

are to be converted into additional shares of JSC 'INTER RAO UES' in

accordance with merger agreement of JSC 'Bashenergoactiv' to JSC 'INTER RAO

UES' and based on the decisions of general shareholders meetings of OJSC

'Bashkirenergo' and JSC 'INTER RAO UES'.


It is expected that growing rates of electricity prices shall be materially

lower than in 2011. Readjustment of tariffs will start from July 1, 2012.

The Federal Tariff Service stipulated 6% growth of tariffs for population

(or 3% year average) and 15% for other consumers (or 7.5% year average).

The set KOM prices for the 2012 capacity being 4% lower than in this year

makes the management take even more cost cutting measures of the fixed

costs in order to maintain the generation business margins.

On December 30, 2012 the State Committee on tariffs of RB determined

long-term regulation characteristics and established tariffs 5-year ahead

for OJSC 'BSK' This will make it possible to forecast financial results

with high degree of reliability






31/12/ 31/12/

2011 2010


Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment 52,213 47,675

Advances paid for acquisition of property, plant and

equipment 1,332 3,450

Inventories 156 183

Trade and other receivables 9 121

Other non-current assets 59 59

53,769 51,488

Current assets

Inventories 1,300 1,169

Trade and other receivables 3,531 2,658

Advances paid and prepaid expenses 270 427

Investments 2,006 42

Income tax prepaid 244 181

VAT recoverable and other taxes prepaid 960 1,272

Cash and cash equivalents 2,953 569

11,264 6,318

TOTAL ASSETS 65,033 57,806


Capital and reserves

Share capital 1,093 1,093

Treasury shares (282) (282)

Retained earnings 54,902 49,023

Equity attributable to owners of the parent company 55,713 49,834

Non-controlling interests - 285

TOTAL EQUITY 55,713 50,119

Non-current liabilities

Loans and borrowings 2,265 -

Employee benefit obligations 625 584

Deferred tax liabilities 918 1,549

Other non-current liabilities 241 81

4,049 2,214

Current liabilities

Loans and borrowings 3 160

Trade and other payables 2,312 1,203

Advances received from customers 1,036 2,230

Accrued expenses and provisions 847 935

Income tax payable 29 108

Other taxes payable 1,044 837

5,271 5,473









Year ended



December 31, 2011 December 31, 2010




Electricity and capacity 40,353 47,365

Heat energy 12,900 12,280

Other revenue 3,008 3,207

56,261 62,852

Operating expenses

(26,8 (23,9

Fuel 77) 94)

(8,73 (8,37

Staff costs 7) 8)

(3,46 (3,48

Depreciation 1) 7)

(3,30 (15,7

Purchase of electricity 4) 77)

Compensation to quarantining supplier for losses caused (2,67

by transmission of electricity 5) -

(2,43 (2,95

Repair and maintenance 1) 4)


Change in provision for doubtful debts 6) (40)


Materials and spare parts (883) 7)

Charity (687) (681)

Water usage (513) (514)

Taxes, other than income tax (479) (492)

Rent (151) (132)

Change in provision for tax and legal contingencies 203 362

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment (11) (132)

Other operating expenses (833) (916)

(51,8 (58,8

75) 32)

Operating profit 4,386 4,020

Finance income 112 -

Finance cost (51) (39)

Profit before income tax 4,447 3,981

(1,03 (1,26

Income tax 8) 2)

Profit from continuing operations 3,409 2,719


Profit from discontinued operations 4,540 72


Attributable to:

Owners of the parent company 7,949 2,761

Non-controlling interests - 30

7,949 2,791



Basic and diluted earnings per share (in Roubles) 7.32 2.57


Basic and diluted earnings per share (in Roubles) 3.18 2.49







Year ended

December Year ended


31, 2011 31, 2010


Profit before income tax 10,131 4,077

Adjustments for:

Depreciation 3,465 3,497

Change in provision for tax and

legal contingencies (203) (363)

Change in provision for unused

vacations and bonuses (126) 371

Income on disposal of property,

plant and equipment 11 132

Change in allowance for doubtful

receivables 1,337 40

Income from the disposal of a

subsidiary (5,445) -

Finance income (112) -

Finance losses 51 39

Other adjustments 122 (50)

Operating cash flow before

movements in working capital 9,231 7,743

Change in inventories (303) 347

Change in trade and other

receivables (2,625) (246)

Change in advances paid and prepaid

expenses (98) 58

Change in taxes receivable, other

than income tax 118 (139)

Change in trade and other payables 2,225 (590)

Change in advances received from

customers (508) (295)

Change in taxes payable, other than

income tax 271 143

Net cash provided by operations 8,311 7,021

Income tax paid (3,177) (1,130)

Interest paid (98) (74)

Net cash generated from operating

activities 5,036 5,817


Purchase of property, plant and

equipment (6,244) (3,289)

Proceeds from disposal of property,

plant and equipment 337 246

Net cash proceeds from the disposal

of a subsidiary 5,246 -

Disposal of Special Purpose

Entities (158) -

Purchase of investments (6,613) (457)

Proceeds from disposal of

investments 4,632 511

Interest on deposits 112 -

Net cash used in investing

activities (2,688) (2,989)


Dividends paid (2,066) (1,237)

Repurchase of ordinary shares - (282)

Proceeds from loans and borrowings 7,336 15,665

Principal repayments on loans and

borrowings (5,234) (17,003)

Net cash received from (used in)

financing activities 36 (2,857)

Net increase/(decrease) in cash and

cash equivalents 2,384 (29)

Cash and cash equivalents at

beginning of the period 569 598

Cash and cash equivalents at end

of the period 2,953 569


OJSC 'Bashkirenergo' - is a major regional utility company in Russia,

ranked 5 by installed electric capacity and 7 by installed heat capacity

among the Russian territorial generating companies. By the amount of heat

output OJSC 'Bashkirenergo' is among the 10 major heat producing companies

in the world. OJSC 'Bashkirenergo has a dominating position at the

electricity and heat market of the Republic of Bashkortostan, which is one

of the top-ten developed regions of Russia. The OJSC 'Bashkirenergo' owns

companies which produce electricity and heat, conduct their transmission to

consumers. The Installed electric capacity is 4,295 MW, the installed heat

capacity is 13,141 Gcal/h.

Contacts :


Head of Corporate Communications OJSC 'Bashkirenergo'

Luiza Lesnaya

Tel: + 7 (347) 269-42-28

+ 7 (985) 160-97-76



Statements contained in this press release may contain forward-looking

information that reflects management's current view and estimates of future

economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance, and

financial results. Any statements, expectations, capabilities, plans and

assumptions contained in this press release that do not describe historical

facts such as statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends,

the direction of future operations, the implementation of principal

operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the

factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of

operations are forward-looking statements and involve a number of risks and

uncertainties. There is no guarantee that these results will actually

occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including

general economic and market conditions, industry conditions and operating

factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual

results to differ materially from current expectations.

End of Corporate News


24.04.2012 Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by

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Language: English

Company: OJSC Bashkirenergo

Kommsomolskaya st,126

450096 Ufa


Phone: + 7 (347) 269-43-59

E-mail: secr@iap.bashkirenergo.ru

Internet: www.bashkirenergo.ru

ISIN: RU0009044242

End of News EquityStory.RS, LLC News-Service


166059 24.04.2012

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