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Veröffentlicht am 10.04.2013, 10:00
Aktualisiert 10.04.2013, 10:04

DGAP-News: Dolkam Suja a.s. / Schlagwort(e): Hauptversammlung


10.04.2013 / 10:00



The board of directors of the company D O L K A M uja a.s. with seat at

uja, 015 01 Rajec, Slovakia, company ID No.: 31 561 870 registered with

the commercial registry of the District Court ilina, Section Sa, Insert

No. 73/L (the 'Company') in accordance with Sec. 184 et seq. of the Slovak

Act No. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code as amended ('CC') and Art. XI. Para.

11.2 of valid Articles of Association of the Company

convenes extraordinary general meeting of the Company

to be held on 13.05.2013 at 2:00 pm ('EGM') at the seat of the Company D O

L K A M uja a.s. at the address uja, 015 01 Rajec, Slovakia in the room

Canteen with following agenda:

1. Opening

2. Election of a chairman of the extraordinary general meeting, minutes

clerk, two minutes verifiers and scrutinizers

3. Election of external auditor of the Company for performance of audit

for year 2011

4. Election of external auditor of the Company for performance of audit

for year 2012

5. Closing

The record date under Sec. 156a CC and Sec. 180(2) CC for exercising the

shareholder's right to participate in EGM, vote, request information and

explanations and to submit proposals, or to exercise other shareholder's

rights, is 10.05.2013.

Registration of shareholders and entry into attendance list will be held

between 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm on the day and at the place of EGM. During the

registration, it is necessary to submit:

i- Natural person being shareholder: valid identity document (ID card or


ii- Natural person being proxy holder: written proxy with officially

verified signature of the principal - shareholder (or person(s) acting

on behalf of the principal - shareholder), valid identity document (ID

card or passport) of the proxy holder;

iii- Legal entity being shareholder: commercial registry excerpt (original

or officially verified copy) not older than 3 months, or if not

registered in commercial registry, excerpt from similar registry or

document proving legal capacity including document attesting the person

authorized to act on behalf of the shareholder (original or officially

verified copy) and valid identity document (ID card or passport) of

statutory body or member of statutory body of the shareholder;

iv- Legal entity being proxy holder: written power of attorney with

officially verified signature of the principal - shareholder (or

person(s) acting on behalf of the principal - shareholder), up-to-date

commercial registry excerpt (original or officially verified copy) of

the proxy holder not older than 3 months, or if not registered in

commercial registry, excerpt from similar registry or document proving

legal capacity including document attesting the person authorized to

act on behalf of the proxy holder (original or officially verified

copy) and valid identity document (ID card or passport) of statutory

body or member of statutory body of proxy holder.

v- Shareholder whose shares of the Company are held via trustee holding

the shares for shareholder on holder's account established at Centrálny

depozitár cenných papierov SR, a.s. under Sec. 105a of the Act No.

566/2001 Coll. on Securities as amended or his/her proxy holder shall

submit, in addition to documents stated above, also written

confirmation of the trustee that the shareholder is owner of the

specified number of shares of the Company held by the trustee on

holder's account of the trustee as at the above record date.

During registration, documents mentioned in sections i) to v) above, except

for identity documents, must be given to the person in charge of entries

into the attendance list for record-keeping purposes. Apart from identity

documents, all submitted or delivered documents in foreign language (except

for Czech language) must contain also official translation into Slovak

language. Each shareholder participates in EGM at own expenses.

Advice pursuant to Sec. 184a CC:

-1- Shareholder has the right to participate in and vote at general


-2- Shareholder has the right to request at EGM information and

explanations regarding matters of the Company or matters of persons

controlled by the Company relating to the subject-matter of EGM and

submit proposals as stated under Sec. 180(1) CC. The board of directors

of the Company ('BoD') is obliged to provide each shareholder, upon

request, with complete and true information and explanations relating

to the subject-matter of EGM. If the BoD is unable to provide a

shareholder with complete information at EGM, or if at EGM a

shareholder so requests, the BoD is obliged to provide the shareholder

with the information in writing within 15 days from the day of EGM. The

BoD shall send the written information to the shareholder to the

address he/she stated; otherwise, it shall provide the information at

the seat of the Company. If the BoD refuses to provide the information,

upon shareholder's request, the supervisory board of the Company ('SB')

shall decide about duty of the BoD to provide the requested information

during the EGM. If the shareholder is not provided with the requested

information, or if the provided information is incomplete, shareholder

is entitled to file a petition with the court which shall decide about

duty of the Company to provide the requested information. This

shareholder's right expires unless exercised within one month from the

day of EGM at which he/she requested BoD or SB to provide such


-3- A shareholder or shareholders holding shares with nominal value of at

least 5% of the registered capital has/have the right to request the

BoD in writing to put items on the agenda of EGM and EGM is obliged to

discuss these. The request for supplementation of the agenda must be

accompanied by a justification or a draft resolution to be adopted;

otherwise, EGM is not obliged to attend to such request. If the request

for supplementation of the agenda is delivered after the convocation of

EGM was published, the BoD shall publish a supplement to the agenda of

EGM in a manner stipulated by law and determined by the AoA for

convening the general meeting at least ten days before EGM. If such a

notice on supplementation of the agenda of EGM is not possible, the

item in question can be put on the agenda of EGM only if all

shareholders of the Company participate in EGM and consent thereto. If

the request for supplementation of the agenda is delivered 20 days

before EGM at the latest, the BoD is obliged to publish the notice on

supplementation of the agenda not later than 10 days before EGM.

-4- A shareholder attends the general meeting personally or represented by

proxy holder based on a written proxy pursuant to Sec. 184(1) CC and

Sec. 190e CC. The signature of the principal - shareholder, or in case

of shareholder - legal entity, of the person authorized to act on

behalf of the principal - shareholder, shall be officially verified.

If the shareholder grants the proxy to exercise voting rights attached to

the same shares at one general meeting to more proxy holders, the Company

shall allow voting to the proxy holder who was registered in the attendance

list at the general meeting at first. If more shareholders granted a

written proxy for representation to the same proxy holder, such proxy

holder may vote at the general meeting on behalf of each of the represented

shareholders independently. A SB member may act as shareholder's proxy

holder as well; however, he/she shall notify the shareholder of all facts

that might influence shareholder's decision on granting the proxy for

representation at the general meeting to a SB member. The proxy shall

contain specific instructions for voting on each decision or item of the

agenda of the general meeting on which the SB member shall vote as the

proxy holder on behalf of the shareholder. If a shareholder has shares on

more than one securities accounts under a special act, the Company shall

allow the shareholder to be represented by one proxy holder in relation to

each securities account, whereas the proxy shall specify the amount of the

Company's shares and the respective securities account of the shareholder

covered by the proxy.

Template of the written proxy which can be used for proxy voting is

attached to this convocation. This template is also available on website of

the Company at www.dolkam.sk in section 'VALNÉ ZHROMADENIE' and

subsection 'MVZ 13.05.2013'.

Electronic means by which the Company receives notices of appointment of

proxy holder, change of granted proxy and of revocation thereof is e-mail

sent by shareholder to electronic (e-mail) address of the Company

dolkam@dolkam.sk. E-mail sent by shareholder shall contain an attachment -

a scanned copy of a sufficiently certain expression of will of shareholder

(if in other than Slovak or Czech language, official translation into

Slovak language required) regarding appointment of proxy holder, change of

granted proxy or revocation thereof, in format 'pdf' or 'tiff'. A

shareholder exercises delivery of the notice of appointment of proxy

holder, change of granted proxy or revocation thereof at own risk and

notices are considered to be delivered to the Company when delivered at the

above electronic (e-mail) address of the Company.

-5- Since the AoA regulate neither the possibility of absentee voting by

mail pursuant to Sec. 190a CC nor the shareholders' participation in

and voting at the general meeting by electronic means pursuant to Sec.

190d CC, a shareholder does not have the right to vote at EGM by mail

or the possibility to participate and vote by electronic means.

-6- Consolidated versions of materials, documents and draft resolutions of

EGM to be discussed as a part of the agenda of EGM can be obtained or

inspected personally at the seat of the Company at the address Å uja,

015 01 Rajec, Slovakia, in the room Economist's Office (Kancelária

ekonómky) on working days during the period from the day of publishing

of this convocation of EGM until 13.05.2013 between 8 am and 12 noon.

-7- Data and documents pursuant to Sec. 184a (2) let. c) to e) CC,

including consolidated versions of all documents to be discussed as a

part of the agenda of the general meeting, draft resolutions of EGM

pursuant to individual items of agenda of EGM and statement of the BoD

to each item of agenda of EGM to which no draft resolution is submitted

and template proxy will be published on the website of the Company at

www.dolkam.sk in section 'VALNÉ ZHROMADENIE' and subsection 'MVZ


-8- Electronic means by which the Company publishes the information under

special regulation is internet, i.e. website of the Company at

www.dolkam.sk. Any electronic communication with the Company shall be

performed by sending an e-mail to electronic (e-mail) address of the

Company dolkam@dolkam.sk.

In uja on 03.04.2013

Board of Directors of the company D O L K A M uja a.s.

Template proxy (please complete legibly in block letters)


for participation in the extraordinary general meeting

of the company D O L K A M uja a.s.

Undersigned principal:

title, forename, surname / business name:


permanent residence / registered seat:


birth certificate No. / company ID No.:


date of birth (only natural person):


personal ID No. / passport No. (only natural person):


registered in the commercial registry or other similar registry (only legal




forename, surname and position of the person authorized to act on behalf of

the shareholder (only legal entity):



(the 'Principal')

as a shareholder of the company D O L K A M uja a.s., with seat at uja,

015 01 Rajec, Slo-vakia, company ID No.: 31 561 870, registered in the

commercial registry of the District Court ilina, Section Sa, Insert No.

73/L (the 'Company')

hereby grants proxy to

the proxy holder:

title, forename, surname / business name:


permanent residence / registered seat:


birth certificate No. / company ID No.:


date of birth (only natural person):


personal ID No. / passport No. (only natural person):


registered in the commercial registry or other similar registry (only legal




(the 'Proxy holder'),

to act as a proper and authorized proxy holder of the Principal performing

the following:

1. to represent the Principal in relation to:

a- all shares of the Company belonging to the Principal**

b- shares of the Company which the Principal has on securities



Securit- Where the securities account is maintained Number of shares of

ies (name of the member of Centrálny depozitár the Company on the

account cenných papierov SR, a.s. is sufficient) securities account



**Delete as appropriate. In case that no option is deleted as appropriate

or otherwise unambiguously chosen, option 1.a) is valid and the proxy is

held for all shares of the Company belonging to the Principal as the

Company's shareholder. If option 1.b) is chosen and the securities

account(s) was/were sufficiently specified, it is held, that the proxy

relates to all shares that the Principal has on this/these securities

account(s). In case option 1.b) is chosen, it is necessary to specify the

securities account(s) on which the Principal has shares of the Company and

to which this proxy relates; otherwise this proxy can be invalid due to

uncertainty. The Principal and the Proxy holder confirm by signing this

proxy that they agree with these rules.

and that to full extent and without any limitation as a shareholder of the

Company at the extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be held on

13.05.2013 at 2:00pm ('EGM') at the seat of the Company at Å uja, 015 01

Rajec, Slovakia, in the room Canteen, in particular but not limited to, to

exercise voting rights at EGM to full extent and without any limitation, to

request information and explanations, to submit and apply proposals and to

execute any and all other acts which the Principal as a shareholder of the

Company is entitled to exercise at EGM, in particular but not limited to,

pursuant to the Articles of Association of the Company, the Slovak Act No.

513/1991 Coll. the Commercial Code as amended and/or pursuant to other

applicable laws of the Slovak Republic;

2. to act, sign and/or execute for and on behalf of the Principal any and

all legal and/or other actions relating to and/or connected with

actions stipulated in section 1. above, and all that also in cases in

which pursuant to generally binding legal rules of Slovakia a special

proxy is required;

3. to comply with the following specific voting instructions, if the Proxy

holder is also supervisory board member of the Company:


Item of Agenda of EGM: Instruction:





In the case the Proxy holder is also supervisory board member of the

Company, the Principal and the Proxy holder confirm by signing this proxy

that the Proxy holder has informed the Principal about all facts that might

affect the decision of the Principal as a shareholder to grant proxy for

representation at EGM to a supervisory board member of the Company.

The Proxy holder is entitled neither to grant power of substitution to a

third party nor to grant to him/her any authorization, whether individual

or in the entirety of the proxy granted to him/her.

The Principal hereby confirms everything and anything that the Proxy holder

lawfully executes and/or arranges pursuant to and in accordance with this

proxy during the validity of this proxy.

This proxy supersedes any and all prior, oral and written, proxies granted

by the Principal to the Proxy holder in the matters falling under the scope

of the Proxy holder's authorization according to this proxy, and these

previous proxies are considered hereby revoked and invalid. This proxy is

governed by applicable laws of the Slovak Republic.

In ................................., on .................................

The Principal:

Forename, surname / business name:




(please do not forget to have

your signature verified)

I agree with my appointment as a Proxy holder and I accept this proxy in

the above scope.

The Proxy holder:

Forename, surname / business name:


Date of acceptance of the proxy: .............................



Ende der Corporate News


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Sprache: Deutsch

Unternehmen: Dolkam Suja a.s.


01501 Rajec


Telefon: +421 41 542 2310

Fax: +421 41 542 2310

E-Mail: dolkam@dolkam.sk

Internet: www.dolkam.sk

ISIN: CS0009013354

Ende der Mitteilung DGAP News-Service


206373 10.04.2013

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