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DGAP-News: Future of Broadcast Television Summit Declares Global Goals for Future of Broadcasting (deutsch)

Veröffentlicht am 11.11.2011, 04:11
Aktualisiert 11.11.2011, 04:12
Future of Broadcast Television Summit Declares Global Goals for Future of Broadcasting


11.11.2011 04:11


Participants Agree to Define Future Needs, Seek Unification of Various

Standards, and Promote Technology Sharing

SHANGHAI, China, 2011-11-11 04:11 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

Television broadcasting executives, technologists and engineers gathering this

week in China agreed that a global approach to the future of terrestrial TV

broadcasting is the ideal method to avoid competing standards, overlap, and

inefficient deployment of new services.

At 11:11 a.m. local time on 11/11/11, more than 200 delegates to the Future of

Broadcast Television Summit officially expressed unified support for a joint

declaration signed by technical executives from 13 broadcast organizations from

around the world that calls for global cooperation to define new requirements,

unify various standards, and promote sharing of technologies to benefit

developed and under-developed countries and conserve resources.

A common theme throughout the summit was that broadcasting - the transmission

of information to an unlimited number of listeners and viewers - is the most

spectrum-efficient means for wireless delivery of popular real-time and

file-based content. The signatories of the declaration believe that the

broadcasting and TV industries will continue to evolve and play a critical role

in bringing both information and entertainment to everyone.

While television has prospered, it has not been possible for the world to take

full advantage of the convenience and economies of scale of a single broadcast

standard. Even in the digital age, splintering of different standards and

methods of broadcast TV transmission makes it difficult to share information

and entertainment globally.

As a result of the Future of Broadcast Television (FoBTV) Summit, supporters

for the declaration agree to three major initiatives:

1. Define the requirements of future terrestrial broadcast systems.

'The collaboration between broadcast and Internet content will play a vital

role in providing attractive services. The broadcast industry is committed to

developing necessary technologies to create and deliver new media and

information services by taking advantage of future broadcast systems. We also

know the critical role played by broadcasting in times of emergency,' notes the


2. Explore unified terrestrial broadcast standards.

'We aim to promote cooperation among broadcasters, communications companies and

manufacturers of broadcast equipment and all types of receiving devices. We

seek to maximize proper and efficient use of spectrum resources, as well as

exchanges and cooperation between communication systems and broadcasting on

both a technological and business level,' says the declaration.

3. Promote global technology sharing

'A future broadcast ecosystem, with collaboration between different areas and

among broadcasters, research institutes, and industries, will foster new

broadcast technological innovation. We commit to the elimination of

broadcasting technological gaps. We realize that advances in broadcasting

technologies should benefit both developed and developing countries,' the

declaration states.

'Today, technological innovation may be able to break down many of the

long-standing barriers that have prevented common systems,' according to the

joint declaration announced today.

'This would enable us to remove the gaps between the different television

signal formats and transmission systems used around the world. Digitization has

opened the door for a broadcasting renaissance.'

'We need to explore new ways of cooperation, seek the progressive unification

of standards, and realize technology sharing so that the efficiency and

convenience enabled by digitization will be realized - not reduced by system

fragmentation. The 21st Century is an era of integration of broadcasting,

Internet, and communications, all of which have evolved in parallel. Consumers

are calling for more convenient and user-friendly services. The development of

digital technology opens the possibility of cooperation among all the different

networks and transmission systems,' the joint declaration states.

The complete declaration - signed by technical executives of the Advanced

Television Systems Committee (ATSC), Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC),

Communications Research Center (CRC), Digital Video Broadcast Project (DVB),

European Broadcast Union (EBU), Electronics and Telecommunications Research

Institute (ETRI), Globo TV Network, IEEE Broadcast Technology Society, National

Association of Broadcasters, National Engineering Research Center of Digital TV

of China, NHK Science and Technical Research Laboratories, Public Broadcasting

Service and the Brazilian Society of Television Engineers (SET) - can be

accessed on this link: http://tinyurl.com/FoBTVdeclaration


News Source: NASDAQ OMX

11.11.2011 Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP -

a company of EquityStory AG.

The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

DGAP's Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,

Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.

Media archive at www.dgap-medientreff.de and www.dgap.de


Language: English

Company: FOBTV

United States





ISIN: US9901805237


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