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TR ONE-News: Addex to Present at the BIO Investor Forum in San Francisco

Veröffentlicht am 24.10.2011, 07:02
Addex to Present at the BIO Investor Forum in San Francisco

Addex Pharmaceuticals /

Addex to Present at the BIO Investor Forum in San Francisco

. Verarbeitet und übermittelt durch Thomson Reuters ONE.

Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent verantwortlich.

Geneva, Switzerland, October 24, 2011 - Addex Pharmaceuticals (SIX:ADXN), a

leading biopharmaceutical company pioneering allosteric modulation-based drug

discovery and development, announced today that Dr. Bharatt Chowrira, CEO of

Addex, will provide an update on the Company at the BIO Investor Forum to be

held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco (October 25-26). Dr. Chowrira will

present at 9 am on Wednesday, October 26 in the Pacific Heights room.

Addex Pharmaceuticals (www.addexpharma.com) discovers and develops an emerging

class of small molecule drugs, called allosteric modulators, which have the

potential to be more specific and confer significant therapeutic advantages over

conventional 'orthosteric' small molecule or biological drugs. The Company uses

its proprietary discovery platform to address receptors and other proteins that

are recognized as attractive targets for modulation of important diseases with

unmet medical needs. The Company's two lead products are being investigated in

Phase IIa clinical testing: dipraglurant (ADX48621, an mGluR5 negative

allosteric modulator or NAM) is being developed by Addex to treat Parkinson's

disease levodopa-induced dyskinesia (PD-LID); and ADX71149 (mGluR2 positive

allosteric modulator or PAM) is being developed by our partner Janssen

Pharmaceuticals Inc. to treat schizophrenia. Addex also is advancing several

preclinical programs including: GABA-BR PAM for pain, overactive bladder and

other disorders; mGluR4 PAM for Parkinson's, anxiety and other diseases; GLP1R

PAM for type 2 diabetes; mGluR2 NAM for treating Alzheimer's disease and

depression; and FSHR/LHR NAM for sex hormone dependent tumors & reproductive

system disorders. In addition, Addex has discovery programs to identify

allosteric modulators of: receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) superfamily, including

TrkB PAM for treating neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer's, Parkinson's

and Huntington's diseases); and TNF receptor superfamily, including TNFR1 NAM

for inflammation (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis) and other diseases.

Chris Maggos

Business Development & Communication

Addex Pharmaceuticals

+41 22 884 15 11


Disclaimer: The foregoing release may contain forward-looking statements that

can be identified by terminology such as 'not approvable', 'continue',

'believes', 'believe', 'will', 'remained open to exploring', 'would', 'could',

or similar expressions, or by express or implied discussions regarding Addex

Pharmaceuticals Ltd, its business, the potential approval of its products by

regulatory authorities, or regarding potential future revenues from such

products. Such forward-looking statements reflect the current views of Addex

Pharmaceuticals Ltd regarding future events, future economic performance or

prospects, and, by their very nature, involve inherent risks and uncertainties,

both general and specific, whether known or unknown, and/or any other factor

that may materially differ from the plans, objectives, expectations, estimates

and intentions expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements. Such may

in particular cause actual results with allosteric modulators of mGluR2, mGluR4,

mGluR5, GABABR, FSHR/LHR, GLP1R, TNFR1, RTK, TrkB or other therapeutic targets

to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements

expressed or implied by such statements. There can be no guarantee that

allosteric modulators of mGluR2, mGluR4, mGluR5, GABABR, FSHR/LHR, GLP1R, TNFR1,

RTK, TrkB or other therapeutics targets will be approved for sale in any market

or by any regulatory authority. Nor can there be any guarantee that allosteric

modulators of mGluR2, mGluR4, mGluR5, GABABR,  FSHR/LHR,  GLP1R, TNFR1, RTK,

TrkB or other therapeutic targets will achieve any particular levels of revenue

(if any) in the future. In particular, management's expectations regarding

allosteric modulators of mGluR2, mGluR4, mGluR5, GABABR,  FSHR/LHR, GLP1R,

TNFR1, RTK, TrkB or other therapeutic targets could be affected by, among other

things, unexpected actions by our partners, unexpected regulatory actions or

delays or government regulation generally; unexpected clinical trial results,

including unexpected new clinical data and unexpected additional analysis of

existing clinical data; competition in general; government, industry and general

public pricing pressures; the company's ability to obtain or maintain patent or

other proprietary intellectual property protection. Should one or more of these

risks or uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove

incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those anticipated, believed,

estimated or expected. Addex Pharmaceuticals Ltd is providing the information in

this press release as of this date and does not undertake any obligation to

update any forward-looking statements contained in this press release as a

result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required

by applicable laws.

--- Ende der Mitteilung ---

Addex Pharmaceuticals

12, chemin des Aulx Plan-les-Ouates; Geneva Schweiz

ISIN: CH0029850754;

This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of

Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that:

(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and

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originality of the information contained therein.

Source: Addex Pharmaceuticals via Thomson Reuters ONE



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